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Lu.1-3: Técnicas Innovadoras de medida de antenas (sesión especial)
Lunes, 20/09/2021:
15:00 - 16:40

Presidente de la sesión: Manuel Sierra Castañer, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España
Presidente de la sesión: Manuel García Sánchez, Universidade de Vigo, España
Lugar: Sala virtual 3


Avances en sistemas portátiles para caracterización de antenas: sistemas manuales y embarcados en vehículos aéreos no tripulados

Álvarez Narciandi, Guillermo1; García Fernández, María1; Laviada Martínez, Jaime1; Álvarez López, Yuri1; Arboleya Arboleya, Ana2; Las Heras, Fernando1

1Universidad de Oviedo, España; 2Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

216-Avances en sistemas portátiles para caracterización de antenas-216.pdf

Implementación de técnicas de holografía coherente de microondas en radiotelescopios

Fontá Romero, Celia; Rodríguez Varela, Fernando; Galocha Iragüen, Belén; López Pérez, José Antonio

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España

This paper shows the steps in data reduction and analysis of radio holography measurements, which are typically applied to surface measurements of large reflector antennas, like radio telescopes. These antennas suffer from surface accuracy degradation due to gravity, wind and thermal loads. In contrast to mechanical methods, radio holography computes reflector surface errors from measurements of the complex radiation pattern (amplitude and phase). The results from holography techniques can be used to adjust the reflector surface and therefore improve its accuracy and hence its efficiency. In addition, they allow correction for large scale aberrations like astigmatism. Improving the surface accuracy is essential for a good high-frequency performance of the radio telescope, which is used to study celestial bodies from the analysis of the radio signals that they emit.

253-Implementación de técnicas de holografía coherente de microondas en radiotelescopios-253.pdf

Emulating anechoic and reverberant scenarios with Time-Gating Technique

Ramírez-Arroyo, Alejandro1; Alex-Amor, Antonio1,2; García-García, Carmelo1; Palomares-Caballero, Ángel1; Padilla, Pablo1; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan1

1Departamento de Teoría de la Señal, Telemática y Comunicaciones, Universidad de Granada (UGR), España; 2Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), España

This paper introduces the time-gating technique as a powerful tool to emulate propagation scenarios. This method can modify a propagation environment in the time domain by including a factor attenuation, a delay, or a change in the phase into the signal. This modification opens up the possibility to emulate and artificially create new propagation scenarios, which will be fundamental for future mobile communications. The feasibility of this technique is demonstrated in this work through the emulation of anechoic and reverberant scenarios. To test the similarity between the original and emulated scenarios, metrics such as spectral efficiency or spatial correlation between receivers are compared. Good agreement between the original and emulated scenarios is found.

119-Emulating anechoic and reverberant scenarios with Time-Gating Technique-119.pdf

Medida singulares de antenas en equios y sistemas aeroespaciales

Rodríguez Amor, Jose Roberto1; Luque Cañete, Jose Antonio2; Plaza Gallardo, Borja1; Muñoz Rebate, Ignacio1; Poyatos Martínez, David1

1Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA); 2Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa (ISDEFE)

The requirements in the antenna measurement

demanded by the industry, especially in sectors such as aerospace

and defense and security, have increased. This forces the

laboratories that carry out these tests to evolve appropriately. In

this way, INTA’s Laboratory for Antennas and Radar Signature

Measurement has implemented new test and measurement capabilities

in its catalog. The laboratory has three different facilities,

each one dedicated to a specific type of test. The semi-open

chamber has the ability to measure and calibrate the antenna

factor in collaboration with the INTA Center for Metrology and

Calibration, while the open field has the ability to measure

antennas by ground reflection for VHF and UHF frequency

bands. The INTA Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) is a

complete turn-key test system for antenna and Radar Cross

Section (RCS) measurements. In this article, a review of the

laboratory’s capabilities in relation to antenna measurement

will be shown. In addition, some of the newest features will

be explained, such as the ability to measure antennas up to 8

meters using spherical near field measurement technique and

the development of a ground plane for measuring the RCS of

antennas on low observability platforms.

161-Medida singulares de antenas en equios y sistemas aeroespaciales-161.pdf

Intercomparación de medida de antenas con reducido número de participantes

Expósito Pérez, Isabel1; Martínez Portas, Cristian2; García Sánchez, Manuel1; Manuel Sierra Castañer, Manuel2; Cuiñas Gómez, Iñigo1

1Universidade de Vigo, España; 2Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España

Los ejercicios de intercomparación entre laboratorios de ensayo son necesarios para garantizar su competencia técnica y, por tanto, la calidad, de sus resultados. Cuando las medidas a realizar son muy específicas, es muy limitado el número de laboratorios que pueden participar en la intercomparación a corto plazo. En este documento se presentan los resultados de un ejercicio de medida de antenas con tres laboratorios participantes. Se profundiza en cómo hacer un correcto análisis de los datos dadas las limitaciones que supone tener un número bajo de participantes, y según los datos disponibles de cada uno

101-Intercomparación de medida de antenas con reducido número de participantes-101.pdf