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Resumen de las sesiones
Ju.2-2: Reflectarrays, transmitarrays y estructuras alimentadas espacialmente (sesión especial)
Jueves, 23/09/2021:
18:00 - 19:40

Presidente de la sesión: Eduardo Martínez de Rioja, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España
Presidente de la sesión: Eduardo Carrasco Yepez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España
Lugar: Sala Virtual 2


Sistema de antena confocal basado en reflectarray con tecnología de cristal líquido para aplicaciones de escaneo de haz en banda W

García-Ruano, Sergio; Fratilescu, Patricia; Perez-Palomino, Gerardo; Carrasco, Eduardo

UPM, España

Se presenta un sistema de antenas confocal para demostrar capacidades de escaneo de haz en banda W. El componente reconfigurable es un reflectarray basado en tecnología de cristal líquido (LC). Se realiza un análisis tipo full-wave para obtener la respuesta en frecuencia de las celdas del reflectarray, mientras que las Teorías Física de la Difracción (PTD) y de Física Óptica (PO) son utilizadas para calcular la reflexión de los campos electromagnéticos y los diagramas de radiación del sistema. Los resultados de la simulación ofrecen una ganancia máxima de 30 dB y un rango de escaneo de 20º en ambos planos: φ = 0º y φ=90º.

108-Sistema de antena confocal basado en reflectarray con tecnología de cristal líquido para aplicaciones de e.pdf

Cálculo de matriz de acoplos mediante cuadraturas especializadas para análisis de problemas mutlicapa periódicos

Florencio Díaz, Rafael; Somolinos, Álvaro; González, Iván; Cátedra, Felipe; Lozano, Lorena

Universidad de Alcalá, España

A comparison between the Ma-Rokhlin-Wandzura (MRW) and double exponential (DE) quadrature rules for the numerical integration of elements of the matrix of the moment method (MoM) with singular behavior in multilayer periodic structures is shown. Non Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) modeling of layouts is implemented to provide a high-order description of geometry. The comparison is carried out to show which quadrature rule is more suitable for MoM matrix calculation in terms of sampling, accuracy and CPU time consumption. The results obtained in this comparison show that the CPU time consumption of numerical integration with MRW samples is approximately 15 times faster than numerical integration using DE samples. This promising result shows an efficient tool for the analysis of reflectarray elements with a high order of description of the geometry of the layout used, which is suitable for reflectarray designs under the assumption of local periodicity where a large number of elements have to be analyzed.

149-Cálculo de matriz de acoplos mediante cuadraturas especializadas para análisis de problemas mutlicapa p.pdf

Dual Polarized Reflectarray Antenna and Cost-Effective 3D-Printed Measurement System for Educational Applications

del Álamo Albiol, Jesús Miguel; Arboleya, Ana; Martínez de Rioja, Eduardo

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

This contribution presents a reflectarray for X-band applications and a dedicated antenna measurement system to validate its performance. The reflectarray is designed to radiate two beams, one in X-polarization and one in Y-polarization. The reflectarray cell consists of a cross-shaped conductive element which, by varying one dimension, allows adjusting the focus of the beam generated in X-polarization and, by varying the other, the focus of the beam generated in Y-polarization. The antenna measurement system is a cost-effective 3D-printed roll-over-azimuth system to perform spherical acquisitions and has been designed for educational applications.

145-Dual Polarized Reflectarray Antenna and Cost-Effective 3D-Printed Measurement System-145.pdf

Analysis of a Multi-Faceted Reflectarray in Offset Configuration



This paper describes the analysis and design of an

offset multi-faceted reflectarray structure composed of three

identical panels distributed following a parabolic cylinder.

Working in Ka-band, the antenna is designed to generate a

pencil beam in the broadside direction of the structure. Its

performance is compared with a flat reflectarray of similar

aperture size. The multi-faceted reflectarray design achieves a

significant improvement in band performance compared to its

classic single panel version.

185-Analysis of a Multi-Faceted Reflectarray in Offset Configuration-185.pdf

Fully metallic reflectarray for the Ku-band based on a 3D architecture

Parellada Serrano, Ignacio; Velasco García, Jaime; Padilla de la Torre, Pablo; Molero Jiménez, Carlos

Universidad de Granada, España

This document presents the design and manufacture of a reflectarray (RA) antenna for the Ku-band, based on a fully-metallic 3D architecture. The reflectarray unit cell is formed by a square-shaped waveguide section ended in a short circuit, that is the reflectarray back ground plane. Each cell has the ability of configuring the phase of its own reflected field by means of resonators perforated on the walls of the cell waveguide section. The resonator-based waveguide cell introduces the 3D character to the design. The geometry of the resonators and its size variation introduces the phase behaviour of each cell, conforming the radiation pattern of the reflectarray. This design explores the potential of phase value truncation (6 states and 2 states), and demonstrates that proper pattern results can be obtained with this phase truncation.

110-Fully metallic reflectarray for the Ku-band based-110.pdf