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Resumen de las sesiones
Ma.1-3: Caracterización electromagnética de materiales
Martes, 21/09/2021:
15:00 - 16:40

Presidente de la sesión: Enrique Márquez Segura, Universidad de Málaga, España
Presidente de la sesión: Lorenzo Rubio Arjona, Universitat Politècnica de València, España
Lugar: Sala virtual 3


Low-cost free-space material characterization at W-band

Buldain, Iban1,2; Teberio, Fernando1; Melero, Marta1,2; Gastón, Diego1; Teniente, Jorge2,3

1Anteral S.L, I+D building "Jerónimo de Ayanz''. Campus Arrosadia, Pamplona, Spain.; 2Electric, Electronic & Communic. Engineering Department. Public University of Navarre. Pamplona, Spain.; 3Institute of Smart Cities. Public University of Navarre. Pamplona, Spain.

This paper presents an affordable free space material characterization for W-band. The system has been developed by Anteral Company and consists on a pair of W band focusing lens horn antennas. This system focuses the electromagnetic radiation at 6 cm from the lens surface in an area of less than 7 mm diameter where the material must be positioned. A software tool has been developed to extract easily the relative permittivity and the delta tangent of the material. This paper presents the system, the W-band focusing lens horn antennas characterization and some obtained results.

164-Low-cost free-space material characterization at W-band-164.pdf

ºBrix parameter estimation based on THz spectroscopy for Quality Control of tomatoes

Marzo, Andoni1; Jiménez, Javier1; Ederra, Iñigo1,2; Iriarte, Juan Carlos1,2

1Antenna Group, Electrical Electronic and Communication Engineering Department. Public University of Navarra, Spain; 2Institute of Smart Cities. Public University of Navarra, Spain

The need for technological development in the agri-food industry to achieve more sustainable and productive agriculture has become more urgent. Nowadays the possibility to measure online parameters in production lines in agri-food industries would increase the quality of production, reduce costs, optimize the shelf life of products and reduce food waste and food loss. In the tomato industry, the online measurement of ⁰Brix parameter, could be a great advance in the production quality control optimization. This work aims to investigate the potential of Terahertz spectroscopy to determinate ⁰Brix parameter based on PLSR (Partial Least Square Regression) methods.

177-ºBrix parameter estimation based on THz spectroscopy-177.pdf

Optimización de la configuración de una sonda de canal en el dominio de la frecuencia en bandas de milimétricas

Català Lahoz, Cristina; Bernardo Clemente, Bernardo; Rodrigo Peñarrocha, Vicent Miquel; Rubio Arjona, Lorenzo; Reig Pascual, Juan-De-Ribera

Universitat Politècnica de València, España

In this contribution to the conference, we present different methods to improve the dynamic range of mobile radio channel measurements using a channel sounder in the frequency domain for millimeter wave (mmWave) propagation measurements. The advantages of using a radio over fiber (RoF) link are explained to avoid the losses introduced by a coaxial cable in measurements carried out in indoor and outdoor environments. Furthermore, measurements are carried out in a laboratory environment in order to obtain the optimal configuration parameters to carry out large measurement campaigns in the shortest possible time while maintaining the highest possible dynamic range and the correct calculation of the dispersion parameters. Finally, a simple protocol is disclosed to obtain the optimal parameters mentioned through three short steps.

171-Optimización de la configuración de una sonda de canal en el dominio de la frecuencia en bandas de m.pdf

Redes inalámbricas ad hoc aplicadas a la monitorización de salud estructural en edificios

Palacios Serrano, Iván; Placencia León, José; Muñoz Calle, Milton; Samaniego Galindo, Víctor; Gonzalez Martínez, Santiago; Guevara Baculima, Remigio

Dpto. de Eléctrica, Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

This paper presents an architecture based on wireless ad hoc networks for the structural health monitoring of buildings. The solution consists of a set of ten sensor nodes (accelerograph stations) as well as a main node or gateway. The communication among the devices were configured through a multi hop topology. Furthermore, the gateway node incorporates an automatic event detection system where the sensors nodes upload the information of the seismic events to the cloud (Google Drive). This proposal contributes in the design and implementation of resilient communications systems on real scenarios. Regarding the network performance, several experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the throughput, RTT and the time to transmit the data of events. Finally, results of a seismic events detected is presented which evidence the proper operation of the architecture proposed

222-Redes inalámbricas ad hoc aplicadas a la monitorización de salud estructural en edificios-222.pdf