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Resumen de las sesiones
Lu.1-1: Aplicaciones en Ingeniería Biomédica (sesión especial) I
Lunes, 20/09/2021:
15:00 - 16:40

Presidente de la sesión: Javier Reina Tosina, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Presidente de la sesión: David Naranjo Hernández, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Lugar: Sala Virtual 1


Evaluación in-silico de la estimulación de la región motora mediante tDCS

Franco Rosado, Pablo1,2,3; Callejón, M. Amparo3; Reina-Tosina, Javier3; M. Roa, Laura3; Martin-Rodriguez, Juan F.1,2,4; Mir, Pablo1,2

1Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento, Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología Clínica, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla, Hospital Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla; 2Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED); 3Grupo de Ingeniería Biomédica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Sevilla; 4Departamento de Psicología Experimental, Universidad de Sevilla

The normal component of the field induced on the cerebral cortex by non-invasive neuromodulation techniques is considered the main responsible for the neuronal depolarization responsible for the neurophysiological and therapeutic effects obtained through its application. By means of two electrode settings oriented to the stimulation of the motor area, we evaluated the said component within the framework of the optimization strategies of the spatial focus on this area in the tDCS techniques, observing significant differences in the orientation of the incident field in different landmarks of the motor area. In order to establish a relationship between these results and the neurophysiological response obtained experimentally, further studies that assess the induced neuronal response in greater detail will be required.

236-Evaluación in-silico de la estimulación de la región motora mediante tDCS-236.pdf

Transmisión de pulsos en el dominio del tiempo en antenas de banda ancha para aplicaciones de imagen médica

Martínez-Lozano, Andrea1; Blanco-Angulo, Carolina1; Bernabeu-Pujante, Álvaro1; García-Martínez, Héctor1; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán2; Ávila-Navarro, Ernesto1

1Dpto. de Ciencia de Materiales, Óptica y Tecnología Electrónica. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.; 2Dpto. de Ingeniería de Comunicaciones. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.

This paper presents the time domain study of an Ultra-wideband (UWB) printed monopole antenna. The antenna, with a size of 36 x 40 mm2, works within the operating range of medical imaging and UWB applications. In this work, two identical antennas are used in far field conditions placed in face to face and side by side configurations. The transmission parameters, the group delay and the transmission of pulses, as well as the calculation of the System Fidelity Factor, are analysed in measurement and simulation. As it has been possible to verify, the results obtained have been satisfactory given the great similarity between the transmitted and received pulses.

175-Transmisión de pulsos en el dominio del tiempo en antenas de banda ancha para aplicaciones de imagen .pdf

Diseño y análisis de un resonador híbrido para la caracterización de material biológico

Blanco-Angulo, Carolina1; Martínez-Lozano, Andrea1; Bernabeu-Pujante, Álvaro1; Aledo-Carmona, Sofía2; García-Martínez, Héctor1; Ávila-Navarro, Ernesto1; Sabater-Navarro, José María2

1Dpto. de Ciencia de Materiales, Óptica y Tecnología Electrónica. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.; 2Dpto. de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.

This paper presents the process carried out to design a hybrid microstrip and stripline resonator at 2.3 GHz. The final purpose of this resonator is the electrical characterization of biological material inside a non-invasive microwave system for breast tumour detection. The design was made with two different high frequency simulators, Advanced Design System for circuital design and High Frequency Electromagnetic Simulation Software for electromagnetic design. A prototype of the designed resonator was fabricated onto a low-cost FR4 substrate and was measured with a Vector Network Analyzer. To obtain the dielectric constant of the biological materials, different concentrations of water and Triton X-100 were used as reference. A six-order equation was calculated to fit the frequency response of the resonator and the dielectric constant of the material under test. Finally, several measured were carried out to obtain the dielectric constant of different materials with a relative error lower than 4%.

176-Diseño y análisis de un resonador híbrido para la caracterización de material biológico-176.pdf

Antena de alta eficiencia para localización en entornos hospitalarios

Casanova Murillo, Marc1,2; Cabedo Fabrés, Marta1; Hernández Cuartero, Jose Francisco2; Montón Sánchez, Eduardo2

1Universitat Politècnica de València, España; 2MYSPHERA S.L., Paterna, Valencia, España

In this paper, an omni-directional antenna solution is presented to improve the accuracy of indoor location systems, particularly MYSPHERA Bluetooth Real-Time Locating System (RTLS).

Emitting antennas with an irregular radiation pattern are not suitable for existing localization techniques due to received signal strength variation in the locators. The approach to an isotropic radiation pattern in the emitting device is what is achieved with presented design using two timeswitched antennas with opposing radiation patterns.

This solution allows to receive a uniform signal in the locators and increases precision for any technique, frequency or technology used.

For MYSPHERA this means more reliability, allowing better processes optimization and increasing efficiency in hospitals.

229-Antena de alta eficiencia para localización en entornos hospitalarios-229.pdf

A Virtual Head Model for the Analysis of Cochlear Implant Stimulation Techniques

Callejón Leblic, Amparo1,2,3; Ropero Romero, Francisco2; Reina Tosina, Javier3; Sánchez Gómez, Serafín2

1Oticon Medical, España; 2Servicio ORL, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Sevilla, España; 3Grupo de Ingeniería Biomédica, Universidad de Sevilla, España

Despite the continuous improvement of cochlear implant (CI) devices and their widespread application, the large inter-subject variability observed in clinical practice continues to make the prognosis of individual CI outcomes challenging. User-specific anatomical characteristics, as well as stimulation parameters, may influence the individual patterns of electric current induced. This paper aims to develop a finite-element (FE) computational virtual head model that integrates the cochlea and the electrode array with the patient’s full head anatomy. Interestingly, a full head modelling approach can realistically emulate both intra and extra-cochlear current pathways, thus providing an estimate of the current shunted towards surrounding tissues. This would allow us to predict relevant clinical conditions, such as the undesired facial nerve stimulation. The results include simulations of intra-cochlear voltages and current densities over the facial nerve when stimulating different apical, medial and basal cochlea sites.

248-A Virtual Head Model for the Analysis of Cochlear Implant Stimulation Techniques-248.pdf