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Resumen de las sesiones
Vi.1-2: Telemática
Viernes, 24/09/2021:
15:00 - 16:40

Presidente de la sesión: Felipe Gil Castiñeira, Universidade de Vigo, España
Presidente de la sesión: Sergio Fortes Rodríguez, Universidad de Málaga, España
Lugar: Sala Virtual 2


Sistema de detección cercana para misiones SAR basado en BLE y sistemas robóticos


1Universidad de Málaga, Dpto. de Ingeniería de Comunicaciones, España; 2Universidad de Málaga, Dpto. de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, España

Los sistemas de detección han recibido recientemente una atención considerable debido a la importancia del seguimiento de las personas infectadas durante la pandemia de SARS-CoV-2. Estas implementaciones pueden ser muy útiles para encontrar posibles víctimas en el contexto de la respuesta de emergencia, especialmente en situaciones en las que el GPS no está disponible o la inspección por imagen no es posible. Entra en juego la radiofrecuencia, y concretamente, dispositivos que transmiten periódicamente con bajo consumo de energía. Con el auge del Internet de las Cosas y la plétora de dispositivos portátiles utilizados en la vida cotidiana, como un smartphone, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) puede ayudar considerablemente en la localización de personas perdidas.

Este trabajo presenta un sistema de detección de víctimas en un entorno no estructurado, mediante una implementación real de una plataforma robótica de detección cercana basada en BLE para intervenciones SAR. Con el fin de estimar la distancia entre un agente robótico y las posibles víctimas dentro de un área experimental, se utiliza un modelo de pérdidas de trayectoria que ha sido calibrado para detectar balizas dentro de un rango de 25 metros en entornos accidentados. El esquema propuesto se ha probado en escenarios realistas durante ejercicios SAR.

155-Sistema de detección cercana para misiones SAR basado en BLE y sistemas robóticos-155.pdf

Bluetooth 5 Real-time Monitoring system for industrial confined spaces

Froiz-Míguez, Iván1; Fernández-Caramés, Tiago M.1; Fraga-Lamas, Paula1; Varela-Barbeito, José2

1UMI, España; 2Navantia, España

An emerging number of new wireless technologies are paving the way for industrial IoT (IIoT) by enabling the monitoring and automation of different stages of the manufacturing process. Such industrial environments are characterized by high electrical noise, long distances, and difficult access to deploy a sensor network. In order to overcome these problems, most of the main technologies make use of license-free bands below Gigahertz and considerable transmission power, which is a problem in some scenarios where it is necessary to achieve a minimum bandwidth with a low power consumption.

This article proposes the study and evaluation of a wireless system for real-time oxygen monitoring in industrial confined areas. This type of working areas is susceptible to sudden variations in oxygen levels, so, to ensure the safety of the operators, it is necessary to perform a real-time monitoring of oxygen values. Bluetooth 5 will be used for this task, as it operates in the 2.4GHz ISM band and provides a better range and more bandwidth than previous versions of the standard.

Therefore, the objective of this article is to describe and show some initial results of a monitoring system that finds a balance between transmission speed, consumption, channel occupancy and range in industrial confined spaces. To achieve such a goal and due to the considerable difference in range that exists between Bluetooth 5 and the most popular LPWAN (Low-Power Wide Area Network) technologies, a mesh topology was chosen instead of the traditional centralized star topology provided by most LPWANs. Thus, the information can be collected from multiple monitoring sensors and then forwarded through mesh nodes that act as repeaters, which allow for achieving larger communications distances.

230-Bluetooth 5 Real-time Monitoring system for industrial confined spaces-230.pdf

Análisis del impacto de las tecnologías web en el rendimiento del servicio de navegación web

Jiménez Pérez, Luis Roberto; Solera Delgado, Marta; Toril Genovés, Matías; Calle Villarazo, Cristina

Instituto de Telecomunicación (TELMA), Universidad de Málaga, CEI Andalucía TECH E.T.S. Ingeniería de Telecomunicación.

The properties of a web page have a strong impact on the experience of web users. In this work, a classification method based on unsupervised clustering to group web pages into classes based on download content may affect the Quality of Experience (QoE) perceived by the user and their characterization through the set of web technologies they use is proposed. Groups are defined based on standard Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) content breakdown and external subdomain connections, obtained through in-browser, application-level measurements to 500 popular websites. The collected data is divided into groups with a classical unsupervised learning algorithm, namely K-means clustering. Finally, groups are characterized according to the set of web technologies used. Results show how web pages are classified into six groups and their cluster characteristics and how JQuery (most popular JavaScript) impacts web page loading time.

243-Análisis del impacto de las tecnologías web en el rendimiento del servicio de navegación web-243.pdf

Adquisición de métricas para el servicio de Vídeo 360/VR

Peñaherrera, Oswaldo; Baena, Carlos; Fortes, Sergio; Baena, Eduardo; Barco, Raquel

Instituto de Telecomunicación (TELMA), Universidad de Málaga, CEI Andalucía TECH

Virtual Reality (VR) arises as one of the current cutting-edge technologies. Its applications address educational and entertainment uses. This work presents a framework to assess video 360 service performance over VR headsets through Key Quality Indicators (KQIs). This service differs from traditional video streaming approaches due to its immersive experience, which allows the user to enjoy omnidirectional multimedia. However, the service experience must be guaranteed in order to avoid side effects such as cybersickness or disorientation. The testbed is conformed for a Unity video player for DASH and HLS, which playbacks multimedia sources from a video server located in the cloud while KQI measuring tasks are performed. Finally, a performance comparison between technologies is provided. Results from the KQI measurement highlight the potential of the new generation of mobile networks in the provision of service with high-quality levels of experience.

183-Adquisición de métricas para el servicio de Vídeo 360VR-183.pdf

Medida y análisis del tráfico para el control inmersivo de Drones

González Serrato, Nuria; Ruiz Vega, Fernando; Solera Delgado, Marta; Luna Ramírez, Salvador; Toril Genovés, Matías

Instituto de Telecomunicación (TELMA), Universidad de Málaga, CEI Andalucía TECH

Nowadays, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have experienced an increased growing as key enablers of new applications, including first aid, surveillance and monitoring, agriculture, disaster management or even as leisure activities. This paper briefs on the LTE controlled drone. First, the construction and connection platform of the drone have been detailed. Afterward, a study of the drone network performances, such as packet length, time between packets and bit-rate is made. As it is known, for First Person View (FPV) applications, a low latency communication is needed to achieve a suitable Quality of Experience (QoE). Hence, graphical results of the network latency is presented over different communications links. The analysis has been carried out by collecting traces at network level between the drone and the PC from where it is controlled.

168-Medida y análisis del tráfico para el control inmersivo de Drones-168.pdf