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Resumen de las sesiones
Mi.1-1: Electromagnetismo computacional (sesión especial)
Miércoles, 22/09/2021:
15:00 - 16:40

Presidente de la sesión: Luis Landesa, Universidad de Extremadura, España
Presidente de la sesión: Fernando Obelleiro Basteiro, Universidade de Vigo, España
Lugar: Sala Virtual 1


Funciones de Green estocásticas para cavidades caóticas

Landesa, Luis; Bautista, Lucia; Castro, Inma T.; Losada, Javier; Taboada, José M.

Universidad de Extremadura, España

La propagación electromagnética dentro de cavidades puede mostrar comportamiento caótico. Esto sucede para la mayoría de geometrías siempre que las pérdidas no sean muy elevadas. La caracterización del comportamiento electromagnético es, por tanto, poco práctico desde el punto de vista tradicional, ya que muy pequeños cambios en el problema (frecuencia, geometría, permitividad y permeabilidad del interior, cambios de temperatura, cambios de presión, etc.) producen grandes cambios en el campo electromagnético interior. Es por ello que una caracterización estocástica es más conveniente que una caracterización determinista. Bajo este enfoque, recientemente se ha introducido el concepto de función de Green estocástica. En esta comunicación, se demostrará que la función de Green estocástica es una variable aleatoria de tipo Cauchy para entornos no disipativos y una variable aleatoria de tipo $\alpha-$estable más general para entornos disipativos de muy bajas pérdidas.

244-Funciones de Green estocásticas para cavidades caóticas-244.pdf

Análisis de dispersión de cilindros de sección arbitraria mediante la matriz de transición y transformación entre ondas cilíndricas y ondas planas

Rubio Ruiz, Jesús1; Mosig, Juan R.2; Gómez Alcalá, Rafael1; González, Miguel A.3

1Universidad de Extremadura, España; 2at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; 3Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Scattering of arbitrary cross-section parallel cylinders is calculated by means of the transition matrix of each single scatterer and the general translational matrix for cylindrical waves. Although there are several methods to obtain the transition matrix of a cylindrical scatterer, the general translational matrix, by contrast, has always been calculated using Graf’s addition theorem due to its efficiency. However, restriction of validity of this theorem prevents its application in those cases where, for a pair of cylinders, the center of one of them falls within the minimum circular cylinder that circumscribes the other. In order to overcome this limitation, a transformation between cylindrical waves and plane waves, and propagation of the latter, is proposed. To this aim, it is shown that an adequate truncation of the evanescent plane wave spectrum should be carried out. As an example, the scattering of a group of infinite elliptic metallic cylinders is computed.

132-Análisis de dispersión de cilindros de sección arbitraria mediante la matriz de transición y tra.pdf

Shrinking Electromagnetics into a Simple Circuit: Advanced CEM codes for CAD

Martín Cortinas, Álvaro; de la Rubia Hernández, Valentín

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España

A new model order reduction strategy based on the reduced-basis method is carried out in this work. Starting off from time-harmonic Maxwell's equations, a new representation of the original Maxwell system is developed. First, a reduced basis approximation allows for a reduced-order representation of electrodynamics in the frequency band of interest. As a result, the Kurokawa series representation for electromagnetics turns pretty much into a finite sum of dominant eigenresonances, which stand upon global eigenmodes of the Maxwell system. This gives rise to a linear dynamical system in electromagnetics and, after a proper arrangement, provides extremely useful physical information from which an electrical engineer can get actionable design insights.

In this work, we use computational electromagnetics as an actual design tool and several realistic design applications will be considered during the presentation.

107-Shrinking Electromagnetics into a Simple Circuit-107.pdf

Formulación de Red Multimodal Equivalente para Dispositivos de Microondas Encapsulados Compuestos por Metalizaciones con Espesor Finito

Gómez Molina, Celia1; Quesada Pereira, Fernando1; E. Boria, Vicente2; Guglielmi, Marco2; Álvarez Melcón, Alejandro1

1Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, España; 2Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, España

In this paper, we extend the Multimode Equivalent

Network (MEN) formulation for the analysis of encapsulated

microwave components that are composed by metallizations with

a non-negligible thickness. To accomplish this goal, the analysis is

divided in two steps: first we formulate two different equivalent

networks corresponding to the two thick steps present in the

structure, and then we cascade them to obtain the final network

that characterizes the complete circuit. This theoretical approach

is validated through two practical microwave bandpass filters.

We experimentally demonstrate in these examples that zerothickness

approximations are not accurate to solve this kind

of problems, thereby demonstrating the importance of the MEN

extension proposed in this contribution.

103-Formulación de Red Multimodal Equivalente para Dispositivos de Microondas Encapsulados Compuestos por .pdf

An interior penalty DG-JMCFIE Formulation for Piecewise Homogeneous Objects with multimaterial junctions

Martín, Víctor F.1; Larios, David1; Taboada, José Manuel1; Landesa, Luis1; Obelleiro, Fernando2

1Universidad de Extremadura; 2Universidade de Vigo

This work investigates the application of the JMCFIE

formulation to the discontinuous Galerkin surface integral

equation method for the electromagnetic analysis of arbitrarily

shaped piecewise homogeneous objects. In the proposed scheme,

nonoverlapping boundary surfaces and interfaces between materials

can be handled independently, without any continuity

requirement through multi-material junctions and tear lines

between surfaces in contact. The proposed formulation can

readily address nonconformal multi-material junctions, where

three or more material regions meet. This completely avoids

the cumbersome junction problem, which no longer requires

any special treatment. Numerical experiments will be shown to

validate the accuracy and demonstrate the great versatility of

the proposed JMCFIE-DG formulation for the management and

solution of complex composite objects with junctions.

262-An interior penalty DG-JMCFIE Formulation for Piecewise Homogeneous Objects with multimaterial.pdf