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Resumen de las sesiones
Fecha: Lunes, 20/09/2021
15:00 - 16:40Lu.1-1: Aplicaciones en Ingeniería Biomédica (sesión especial) I
Presidente de la sesión: Javier Reina Tosina, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Presidente de la sesión: David Naranjo Hernández, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Sala Virtual 1 

Evaluación in-silico de la estimulación de la región motora mediante tDCS

Franco Rosado, Pablo1,2,3; Callejón, M. Amparo3; Reina-Tosina, Javier3; M. Roa, Laura3; Martin-Rodriguez, Juan F.1,2,4; Mir, Pablo1,2

1Unidad de Trastornos del Movimiento, Servicio de Neurología y Neurofisiología Clínica, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla, Hospital Virgen del Rocío/CSIC/Universidad de Sevilla; 2Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED); 3Grupo de Ingeniería Biomédica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Sevilla; 4Departamento de Psicología Experimental, Universidad de Sevilla

The normal component of the field induced on the cerebral cortex by non-invasive neuromodulation techniques is considered the main responsible for the neuronal depolarization responsible for the neurophysiological and therapeutic effects obtained through its application. By means of two electrode settings oriented to the stimulation of the motor area, we evaluated the said component within the framework of the optimization strategies of the spatial focus on this area in the tDCS techniques, observing significant differences in the orientation of the incident field in different landmarks of the motor area. In order to establish a relationship between these results and the neurophysiological response obtained experimentally, further studies that assess the induced neuronal response in greater detail will be required.

236-Evaluación in-silico de la estimulación de la región motora mediante tDCS-236.pdf

Transmisión de pulsos en el dominio del tiempo en antenas de banda ancha para aplicaciones de imagen médica

Martínez-Lozano, Andrea1; Blanco-Angulo, Carolina1; Bernabeu-Pujante, Álvaro1; García-Martínez, Héctor1; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán2; Ávila-Navarro, Ernesto1

1Dpto. de Ciencia de Materiales, Óptica y Tecnología Electrónica. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.; 2Dpto. de Ingeniería de Comunicaciones. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.

This paper presents the time domain study of an Ultra-wideband (UWB) printed monopole antenna. The antenna, with a size of 36 x 40 mm2, works within the operating range of medical imaging and UWB applications. In this work, two identical antennas are used in far field conditions placed in face to face and side by side configurations. The transmission parameters, the group delay and the transmission of pulses, as well as the calculation of the System Fidelity Factor, are analysed in measurement and simulation. As it has been possible to verify, the results obtained have been satisfactory given the great similarity between the transmitted and received pulses.

175-Transmisión de pulsos en el dominio del tiempo en antenas de banda ancha para aplicaciones de imagen .pdf

Diseño y análisis de un resonador híbrido para la caracterización de material biológico

Blanco-Angulo, Carolina1; Martínez-Lozano, Andrea1; Bernabeu-Pujante, Álvaro1; Aledo-Carmona, Sofía2; García-Martínez, Héctor1; Ávila-Navarro, Ernesto1; Sabater-Navarro, José María2

1Dpto. de Ciencia de Materiales, Óptica y Tecnología Electrónica. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.; 2Dpto. de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.

This paper presents the process carried out to design a hybrid microstrip and stripline resonator at 2.3 GHz. The final purpose of this resonator is the electrical characterization of biological material inside a non-invasive microwave system for breast tumour detection. The design was made with two different high frequency simulators, Advanced Design System for circuital design and High Frequency Electromagnetic Simulation Software for electromagnetic design. A prototype of the designed resonator was fabricated onto a low-cost FR4 substrate and was measured with a Vector Network Analyzer. To obtain the dielectric constant of the biological materials, different concentrations of water and Triton X-100 were used as reference. A six-order equation was calculated to fit the frequency response of the resonator and the dielectric constant of the material under test. Finally, several measured were carried out to obtain the dielectric constant of different materials with a relative error lower than 4%.

176-Diseño y análisis de un resonador híbrido para la caracterización de material biológico-176.pdf

Antena de alta eficiencia para localización en entornos hospitalarios

Casanova Murillo, Marc1,2; Cabedo Fabrés, Marta1; Hernández Cuartero, Jose Francisco2; Montón Sánchez, Eduardo2

1Universitat Politècnica de València, España; 2MYSPHERA S.L., Paterna, Valencia, España

In this paper, an omni-directional antenna solution is presented to improve the accuracy of indoor location systems, particularly MYSPHERA Bluetooth Real-Time Locating System (RTLS).

Emitting antennas with an irregular radiation pattern are not suitable for existing localization techniques due to received signal strength variation in the locators. The approach to an isotropic radiation pattern in the emitting device is what is achieved with presented design using two timeswitched antennas with opposing radiation patterns.

This solution allows to receive a uniform signal in the locators and increases precision for any technique, frequency or technology used.

For MYSPHERA this means more reliability, allowing better processes optimization and increasing efficiency in hospitals.

229-Antena de alta eficiencia para localización en entornos hospitalarios-229.pdf

A Virtual Head Model for the Analysis of Cochlear Implant Stimulation Techniques

Callejón Leblic, Amparo1,2,3; Ropero Romero, Francisco2; Reina Tosina, Javier3; Sánchez Gómez, Serafín2

1Oticon Medical, España; 2Servicio ORL, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Sevilla, España; 3Grupo de Ingeniería Biomédica, Universidad de Sevilla, España

Despite the continuous improvement of cochlear implant (CI) devices and their widespread application, the large inter-subject variability observed in clinical practice continues to make the prognosis of individual CI outcomes challenging. User-specific anatomical characteristics, as well as stimulation parameters, may influence the individual patterns of electric current induced. This paper aims to develop a finite-element (FE) computational virtual head model that integrates the cochlea and the electrode array with the patient’s full head anatomy. Interestingly, a full head modelling approach can realistically emulate both intra and extra-cochlear current pathways, thus providing an estimate of the current shunted towards surrounding tissues. This would allow us to predict relevant clinical conditions, such as the undesired facial nerve stimulation. The results include simulations of intra-cochlear voltages and current densities over the facial nerve when stimulating different apical, medial and basal cochlea sites.

248-A Virtual Head Model for the Analysis of Cochlear Implant Stimulation Techniques-248.pdf
15:00 - 16:40Lu.1-2: Collaborative x-Wave Antenna Systems for Integrated Communication and Sensing Wireless Applications (sesión especial) I
Presidente de la sesión: Jose-Maria Molina-Garcia-Pardo, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, España
Presidente de la sesión: Miguel Ferrando Bataller, Universitat Politècnica de València, España
Sala Virtual 2 

Microwave-Microfluidic Measurement System Optimization for Bio-Particle-Sensing with Coplanar-Electrodes

Palacios Arias, César Augusto1; Jofre Cruanyes, Marc1,2; Jofre Cruanyes, Lluis1; Vila, Marc1; Trabal, Arnau1; Coll, Merce1; Rodriguez, Marta1; Romeu, Jordi1; Jofre-Roca, Luis1

1Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, España; 2Department of Research and Innovation, Fundació Privada Hospital Asil de Granollers

Microwave and microfluidic techniques may enable wireless monitoring and interaction with bio-particles, yet still is a largely uncharted territory. Fortunately, the requirements of microfluidics and microwave techniques converge to the need of system miniaturization for reaching the sensitivity levels required. Accordingly, in this work, it is presented the design and optimization of a measurement setup for the system-level characterization of different designs of bio-particle-sensing coplanar-electrodes on a microfluidic-platform.

The design of the signal-chain of the measurement setup is optimized for a RF Phase-Sensitive Homodyne Receiver. In addition, the signal-integrity is achieved with a microwave-shielded-chamber, protecting from electromagnetic interference the coplanar electrodes on a microfluidic platform. As well, experimental validation of the system-level performance of the measurement setup are provided, for different coplanar-electrodes designs.

193-Microwave-Microfluidic Measurement System Optimization-193.pdf

Stable radio-frequency transport by Mach-Zehnder modulator biasing and wavelength-shifting for Fiber-distributed Antenna Arrays

Mir, Blanca; Pina, Victor; Santos, María

Universitat Politècnica Catalunya, España

A proposal for the stable radiofrequency (RF)

reference dissemination employing fiber optics and photonic

components is analysed and its performance for fiber-distributed

antenna arrays numerically assessed. The key concept is passive

phase conjugation of a round-trip signal, achieved by smart

biasing of the conventional push-pull Mach-Zehnder modulators

(MZM) used for optical upconversion. A dual-parallel MZM

(DP-MZM) stage is proposed for the wavelength-shifting ( -

shifting) of the reinjected optical signal to avoid the deleterious

effect of fiber Rayleigh Backscattering (RBS). We report on our

preliminar results on assessment of the impact of the parameters

of the system through numerical simulations.

260-Stable radio-frequency transport by Mach-Zehnder modulator biasing and wavelength-shifting-260.pdf

Modulation-Based Functional Monitoring of a Microwave Bio-Tag

akazzim, youness1,2; González-López, Giselle1; EL Mrabet, Otman2; Jofre Roca, Luis1

1School of Telecommunication Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 08034 Barcelona, Spain; 2System of Information and Telecommunications Laboratory (LaSIT), Faculty of Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaadi University,Tetouan, Morocco


The penetration capabilities of morphologic microwave imaging for medical applications, especially for human body imaging (brain, breast, etc.), have been broadly studied, yet showing not quite conclusive results. Morphological imaging aims to reconstruct the internal parts of the body by means of determining their complex permittivities. However, the large differences in permittivity generate a low contrast which translates into poor imaging accuracy.

In this paper, we present a novel technique to monitor instead the functional activity of the human body, which targets the detection of specific responses, shaped as electrical signals, of the functional activity. This technique has two main advantages: the contrast is increased with respect to classical microwave imaging as it monitors electrical responses, and it provides access to the functional activity instead of just mapping the morphology. Abnormal brain activity, in the shape of electrical pulses, are present in several medical conditions, as it is the case of patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease. The proposed technique may contribute to improve early stage detection and treatment of these conditions. A first approach to the modulation-based functional monitoring technique, reproducing electrical activity by means of a microwave bio-tag is here presented. UWB ridge horn antennas are employed for focusing and to collect the low functional signals using modulated scattering technique.

170-Modulation-Based Functional Monitoring of a Microwave Bio-Tag-170.pdf

Análisis de las pérdidas de propagación medidas en una plantación de cítricos en las bandas de 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 3.5 GHz y 28 GHz en una situación de LoS

Juan-Llácer, Leandro1; Martínez Rubiola, Luis1; Molina-García-Pardo, José María1; Martínez-Inglés, María Teresa2; Rodríguez, José-Víctor1; Pascual García, Juan1; Cabedo-Fabrés, Marta3; Ferrando-Bataller, Miguel3

1Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, España; 2Centro Universitario de la Defensa, Ministerio de Defensa, San Javier, España; 3Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Agriculture 4.0 is going to represent a massive deployment of sensors, so efficient planning of radiocommunication systems in this type of environment will be necessary. In this work, the measured path loss in a LoS situation, with the transmitter and receiver heights below the trees height, at a citrus plantation in the 1800MHz, 2100MHz, 3.5GHz and 28GHz frequency bands using the FI (Floating Intercept) and the CI (Close-In reference) models has been analyzed. It has been observed that from 3.5GHz, the slope of the FI model also represents the propagation exponent (PLE). Furthermore, a guiding effect (PLE less than 2) has been observed in the 1800MHz and 2100MHz bands, not in the 3.5GHz and 28GHz bands, in which the PLE is practically equal to 2 (free space). Finally, the analysis of the polarization reveals that the standard deviation of the measured values with respect to the values obtained from the models is greater for horizontal than vertical polarization in the 1800MHz and 2100MHz frequency bands.

102-Análisis de las pérdidas de propagación medidas en una plantación de cítricos en las bandas de 1800 MHz, 2.pdf

Contribution to Differential Imaging using Electromagnetic Simulation for Vehicular Antenna Signature Analysis


1Departamento Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, Universidad Politécnica de Carta-gena, Cartagena, 30202 Murcia, Spain; 2Centro Universitario de la Defensa, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Base Aérea de San Javier. Academia General del Aire, 30720 Murcia, Spain; 3CommSenslab, Department of Signal Theory and Communications, School of Telecommunications En-gineering Technical University of Catalonia (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, UPC) Campus Nord UPC, Edif. D-3 Jordi Girona, 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain; 4Departamento Automática, Ingeniería Eléctrica y Tecnología Electrónica, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Cartagena, 30202 Murcia, Spain

The trend in vehicles is to integrate a wide number of antennae and sensors operating in a variety of frequencies to sense around and for communications. The integration of these antennae and sensors in the vehicle platform is complex because of interactions of antenna radiation pattern with the vehicle structure and with other antennae/sensors. In consequence, it is required to study the radiation pattern of each antenna, or alternatively the induced currents on the vehicular surface to optimize multiple antenna integration. The novel concept of differential imaging is an alternative method to obtain the surface current distribution without introducing any perturbing probe. The aim of this communication is to contribute, by means of full wave electromagnetic simulation, to develop and confirm the approximations assumed in the differential imaging, providing an ad-ditional verification of the concept. Simulation environment and parameters were selected to replicate the same conditions as the real measurement of previous studies. The simulations have been performed using the well-proven ANSYS HFSS simulation software. The results confirm that the approximations are valid, and the differential currents are representative of the induced surface currents generated by a monopole at the top of a vehicle and the near electric field distribution.

111-Contribution to Differential Imaging using Electromagnetic Simulation-111.pdf
15:00 - 16:40Lu.1-3: Técnicas Innovadoras de medida de antenas (sesión especial)
Presidente de la sesión: Manuel Sierra Castañer, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España
Presidente de la sesión: Manuel García Sánchez, Universidade de Vigo, España
Sala virtual 3 

Avances en sistemas portátiles para caracterización de antenas: sistemas manuales y embarcados en vehículos aéreos no tripulados

Álvarez Narciandi, Guillermo1; García Fernández, María1; Laviada Martínez, Jaime1; Álvarez López, Yuri1; Arboleya Arboleya, Ana2; Las Heras, Fernando1

1Universidad de Oviedo, España; 2Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

216-Avances en sistemas portátiles para caracterización de antenas-216.pdf

Implementación de técnicas de holografía coherente de microondas en radiotelescopios

Fontá Romero, Celia; Rodríguez Varela, Fernando; Galocha Iragüen, Belén; López Pérez, José Antonio

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España

This paper shows the steps in data reduction and analysis of radio holography measurements, which are typically applied to surface measurements of large reflector antennas, like radio telescopes. These antennas suffer from surface accuracy degradation due to gravity, wind and thermal loads. In contrast to mechanical methods, radio holography computes reflector surface errors from measurements of the complex radiation pattern (amplitude and phase). The results from holography techniques can be used to adjust the reflector surface and therefore improve its accuracy and hence its efficiency. In addition, they allow correction for large scale aberrations like astigmatism. Improving the surface accuracy is essential for a good high-frequency performance of the radio telescope, which is used to study celestial bodies from the analysis of the radio signals that they emit.

253-Implementación de técnicas de holografía coherente de microondas en radiotelescopios-253.pdf

Emulating anechoic and reverberant scenarios with Time-Gating Technique

Ramírez-Arroyo, Alejandro1; Alex-Amor, Antonio1,2; García-García, Carmelo1; Palomares-Caballero, Ángel1; Padilla, Pablo1; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan1

1Departamento de Teoría de la Señal, Telemática y Comunicaciones, Universidad de Granada (UGR), España; 2Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), España

This paper introduces the time-gating technique as a powerful tool to emulate propagation scenarios. This method can modify a propagation environment in the time domain by including a factor attenuation, a delay, or a change in the phase into the signal. This modification opens up the possibility to emulate and artificially create new propagation scenarios, which will be fundamental for future mobile communications. The feasibility of this technique is demonstrated in this work through the emulation of anechoic and reverberant scenarios. To test the similarity between the original and emulated scenarios, metrics such as spectral efficiency or spatial correlation between receivers are compared. Good agreement between the original and emulated scenarios is found.

119-Emulating anechoic and reverberant scenarios with Time-Gating Technique-119.pdf

Medida singulares de antenas en equios y sistemas aeroespaciales

Rodríguez Amor, Jose Roberto1; Luque Cañete, Jose Antonio2; Plaza Gallardo, Borja1; Muñoz Rebate, Ignacio1; Poyatos Martínez, David1

1Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA); 2Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa (ISDEFE)

The requirements in the antenna measurement

demanded by the industry, especially in sectors such as aerospace

and defense and security, have increased. This forces the

laboratories that carry out these tests to evolve appropriately. In

this way, INTA’s Laboratory for Antennas and Radar Signature

Measurement has implemented new test and measurement capabilities

in its catalog. The laboratory has three different facilities,

each one dedicated to a specific type of test. The semi-open

chamber has the ability to measure and calibrate the antenna

factor in collaboration with the INTA Center for Metrology and

Calibration, while the open field has the ability to measure

antennas by ground reflection for VHF and UHF frequency

bands. The INTA Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) is a

complete turn-key test system for antenna and Radar Cross

Section (RCS) measurements. In this article, a review of the

laboratory’s capabilities in relation to antenna measurement

will be shown. In addition, some of the newest features will

be explained, such as the ability to measure antennas up to 8

meters using spherical near field measurement technique and

the development of a ground plane for measuring the RCS of

antennas on low observability platforms.

161-Medida singulares de antenas en equios y sistemas aeroespaciales-161.pdf

Intercomparación de medida de antenas con reducido número de participantes

Expósito Pérez, Isabel1; Martínez Portas, Cristian2; García Sánchez, Manuel1; Manuel Sierra Castañer, Manuel2; Cuiñas Gómez, Iñigo1

1Universidade de Vigo, España; 2Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España

Los ejercicios de intercomparación entre laboratorios de ensayo son necesarios para garantizar su competencia técnica y, por tanto, la calidad, de sus resultados. Cuando las medidas a realizar son muy específicas, es muy limitado el número de laboratorios que pueden participar en la intercomparación a corto plazo. En este documento se presentan los resultados de un ejercicio de medida de antenas con tres laboratorios participantes. Se profundiza en cómo hacer un correcto análisis de los datos dadas las limitaciones que supone tener un número bajo de participantes, y según los datos disponibles de cada uno

101-Intercomparación de medida de antenas con reducido número de participantes-101.pdf
15:00 - 16:40Lu.1-4: Emerging Applications in RADAR (Sesión Especial)
Presidente de la sesión: Jesús Grajal, Technical University of Madrid, España
Presidente de la sesión: Pablo Padilla de la Torre, Universidad de Granada, España
Sala virtual 4 

X-band ubiquitous radar analysis (Rad-Dar)

Ibañez Urzaiz, Fernando; Gismero Menoyo, Javier; Asensio López, Alberto; Duque de Quevedo, Álvaro

UPM, España

This paper presents the analysis of a ubiquitous frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar system demonstrator, working at 8.75 GHz (X band). The main application of the system is the surface surveillance. This article presents the demonstrator and describes its main blocks. The document introduces the chosen scenario for field tests, and shows results of the offline processing illustrated with Range-Doppler matrix. This paper shows the active calibration procedure used to reduce unbalances between channels. The radar is a high range resolution system that performs the digital beamforming only on receive. To calibrate the system, an auxiliary rotating radiating source plus an electro-optical delay line are used

224-X-band ubiquitous radar analysis-224.pdf

Radar Continuous Monitoring of Crops: Understanding Vegetation Growth and Water Cycle Impacts

Mas Méndez, Mireia; Aguasca Solé, Albert; Broquetas Ibars, Antoni

CommSensLab, Dept. TSC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

This paper presents preliminary results of recent HydroSoil radar continuous monitoring campaigns over agriculture fields. Future Radar Earth Observation missions with reduced revisit times will offer the capability to obtain valuable water cycle data applicable in agriculture and meteorology. Some of the phenomena involved have time scales much shorter than present satellite revisit times and for this reason are not well understood. HydroSoil measurements over barley and corn crops have provided valuable data to better understand air humidity and dew impacts on magnitude and phase of radar backscattering, which depends also on soil moisture and rain. Both barley and corn observations have shown a daily cycle magnitude ripple in the order of 1 to 3 dB caused by dew. Interferometric coherence has shown a strong dependence with plants height which can be exploited to sense the crop growth from radar observations

261-Radar Continuous Monitoring of Crops-261.pdf

Vital sign monitoring using a 122 GHz FMCW-Radar

Antolinos García, Elías1; García-Rial, Federico1; Hernández, Clara1; Montesano, Daniel1; Godino-Llorente, Juan I.2; Grajal, Jesús1

1Information Processing and Telecomunications Center, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, E.T.S.I Telecomunicación, Spain; 2Department of Audiovisual and Communications Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Current cardiopulmonary activity monitoring is based on contact devices which cannot be used in extreme cases such as premature infants, burnt victims or rescue operations. In order to overcome these limitations, the use of radar technologies emerges as an alternative. This paper aims to enhance the comprehension that non-contact technologies, in particular radar techniques, offer as a monitoring tool. For this purpose, a modified low cost commercial 122 GHz frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar is used to better fit the current application domain. The radar signals obtained are processed using a classic linear filtering algorithm aiming to separate the breathing from the heartbeat component while preserving signals integrity. In a standoff configuration and with different subject orientations, results show that the signal obtained with the radar can be used to extract not only the respiratory and heartbeat rates, but also the heart rate variability (HRV) sequence. Moreover, results evidence the coupling between breathing and heartbeat, also showing that the HRV sequence obtained can identify the respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) effect. Finally, the radar is tested in a simultaneous multi-target scenario, demonstrating its monitoring capabilities in more complex situations. Nevertheless, there are some challenges left to use the system in a real-life monitoring environments, such as the removal of random body movements.

241-Vital sign monitoring using a 122 GHz FMCW-Radar-241.pdf

Comparativa de reducción del RCS en estructura metamaterial: distribución tipo chessboard frente a aleatoria

Saltos Paucar, Jonathan Alcides1; Ederra Urzainqui, Iñigo1,2; Iriarte Galarregui, Juan Carlos1,2

1Universidad Publica de Navarra, España; 2Insituto de Smart Cities

En este artículo se comparan una estructura de tablero de ajedrez periódica basada en rotaciones seleccionadas de un elemento CSSR (anillos resonantes divididos en forma de C) con una estructura no periódica basada en rotaciones aleatorias del elemento CSSR, ambas para reducir la RCS. En ambas estructuras se combina la diferencia de fase de 180º entre elementos a partir de las diferentes rotaciones del elemento CSSR junto con la rotación de polarización. Posteriormente, se comparan las mismas estructuras añadiendoles con un elemento absorbente RFSS Square Ring.

259-Comparativa de reducción del RCS en estructura metamaterial-259.pdf

Cavity-Fed Double-Slot Antenna Array Implemented with SIW

Segura Gómez, Cleofás1; Hammu Mohamed, Bilal1,2; Palomares Caballero, Ángel1; García Ruiz, Francisco2; Padilla de la Torre, Pablo1

1Departamento de Teoría de la Señal, Telemática y Comunicaciones, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, España; 2Laboratorio PEARL, Departamento de Electrónica y Tecnología de Computadores, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, España

This paper presents a cavity-fed double-slot antenna array in SIW technology at millimeter-waves frequencies. The double slots allow better control in the designed frequency band regarding the single slots. To demonstrate this fact, a brief performance comparison between the two implementations are shown. The prototyped antenna contains 4 cavity-backed subarrays in one SIW-layer where each cavity has in its corners the double-slots therefore, we achieve a 4x4 array. To feed all the cavities, a corporate network is used. At the outputs of the feeding network, the power is coupled through rectangular apertures to the cavity-backed antennas. The manufactured antenna array experimentally provides a bandwidth from 35.4 GHz to 37 GHz. There is good agreement between simulated and measured results, with a stable measured gain about 17 dBi along the frequency band.

186-Cavity-Fed Double-Slot Antenna Array Implemented with SIW-186.pdf
17:00 - 18:00Lu.Plenario: Apertura - Conferencia José Ángel Martínez-Lorenzo "Subsurface Sensing and Imaging at Speed using Information-Theory in 4D and Fused Thermoacoustic, Electromagnetic, and Acoustic/Seismic Wavefields"
Presidente de la sesión: Francisco Medina Mena, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Presidente de la sesión: Antonio Pino Garcia, Universidade de Vigo, España
Sala de plenarias virtual 

Subsurface Sensing and Imaging at Speed using Information-Theory in 4D and Fused Thermoacoustic, Electromagnetic, and Acoustic/Seismic Wavefields

Martínez-Lorenzo, José Ángel

Northeastern University, Estados Unidos

266-Subsurface Sensing and Imaging at Speed using Information-Theory-266.pdf
18:00 - 19:40Lu.2-1: Aplicaciones en Ingeniería Biomédica (sesión especial) II
Presidente de la sesión: Javier Reina Tosina, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Presidente de la sesión: Germán Torregrosa Penalva, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, España
Sala Virtual 1 

Optimización de la arquitectura de una red neuronal para la detección del carcinoma basocelular en imágenes dermatoscópicas

Lazo, Manuel1; Serrano, Carmen1; Serrano, Amalia2; Toledo, Tomás2; Barros, Rubén3; Acha, Begoña1

1Universidad de Sevilla, España; 2Servicio Dermatología, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, España; 3Hospital de Alta Resolución de Écija

En este trabajo se desarrolla un método para optimizar la arquitectura de una red neuronal profunda. Se enmarca en un proyecto en el que se analizan imágenes dermatoscópicas para detectar la presencia o no de patrones representativos del carcinoma basocelular (BCC). Previa a la optimización de la arquitectura, se parte de una red neuronal que obtiene una sensibilidad de 0,7854 y un especificidad igual a 0,8187. Con la arquitectura encontrada se mejoran los resultados, obteniéndose una sensibilidad igual a 0,902 y una especificidad 0,8219

249-Optimización de la arquitectura de una red neuronal para la detección del carcinoma basocelular en i.pdf

Adaptación de un dispositivo de medida de bioimpedancia renal para uso en quirófano

Naranjo Hernández, David1; Reina Tosina, Javier1; Roa Romero, Laura M.1; Pérez Valdivia, Miguel Ángel2,3; Salgueira Lazo, Mercedes4,3,1; Medina López, Rafael A.2,3

1Grupo de Ingeniería Biomédica, Dep. de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones, Universidad de Sevilla, 41092 Sevilla; 2Unidad de Gestión Clínica de Urología y Nefrología, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, 41013 Sevilla; 3Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla (IBIS), 41013 Sevilla; 4Servicio de Nefrología, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, 41009 Sevilla

The present work describes the adaptations performed to a prototype of a smart bioimpedance spectroscopy device for use in the operating room and its application to the study of graft viability in the kidney transplantation process. The main novelties of the work compared to a previous prototype are related to the incorporation of improvements so that the device can be used autonomously by the clinical team in the operating room, without the need for intervention by technical staff. Other work improvements have been related to the research and development of a sterilizable electrode system, an optimization of the input impedance of the sensorization stage and a new measurement approach that improves the repeatability of bioimpedance estimations.

210-Adaptación de un dispositivo de medida de bioimpedancia renal para uso en quirófano-210.pdf

Adaptación de un dispositivo de bioimpedancia para la evaluación de atrofia muscular

Naranjo Hernández, David1; Reina Tosina, Javier1; Roa Romero, Laura M.1; Barbarov Rostán, Gerardo1; Ortega Ruiz, Francisco2; Cejudo Ramos, Pilar2

1Grupo de Ingeniería Biomédica, Dep. de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, España; 2Unidad Médico Quirúrgica de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla, España

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients often suffer from muscular atrophy of the peripheral muscles, which negatively influences physical activity capacity, quality of life, and even survival. However, muscle evaluation has not been commonly incorporated into clinical practice due to the complexity and cost of the reference techniques. In this work, a prototype of a smart, easy-to-use and low-cost bioimpedance device for body composition analysis has been adapted to perform measurements in the quadriceps region and its application to the evaluation of muscle atrophy in patients with COPD. The device has been validated technically in laboratory and clinically in a controlled hospital setting. In a first evaluation in with COPD patients, the correlation of the quadriceps muscle thickness obtained by a reference method (echography) was analyzed with respect to the bioimpedance parameters estimated by the prototype. The results of the correlation analysis confirm the feasibility of the approach and encourage further investigation with the prototype.

209-Adaptación de un dispositivo de bioimpedancia para la evaluación de atrofia muscular-209.pdf

Técnicas de segmentación semántica basadas en aprendizaje profundo aplicadas a retinografías

García Navarro, Carlos; Morales Sánchez, Juan; Verdú Monedero, Rafael; Kovalyk, Oleksandr; Sancho Gómez, José Luis

Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, España

Los avances de la última década en cuanto a algoritmos y computación se refiere han proporcionado la posibilidad de desarrollar modelos de aprendizaje profundo cada vez más complejos y versátiles. En este artículo se discute la viabilidad de una red neuronal profunda, Deeplabv3+, para la segmentación semántica de retinografías con el propósito de ayudar al diagnóstico del glaucoma. Con este objetivo se pretende segmentar las regiones conocidas como disco óptico y excavación, cuya relación permite conocer el estado de la enfermedad. Los resultados demuestran la viabilidad de utilizar este tipo de modelos para segmentar imágenes médicas con precisión, pudiendo aportar cierta ayuda al personal sanitario.

159-Técnicas de segmentación semántica basadas en aprendizaje profundo aplicadas a retinografías-159.pdf

Segmentación y medida del grosor de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina en OCTs mediante morfología matemática y contornos activos

Laborda Nicolás, Raúl1; Verdú Monedero, Rafael1; Morales Sánchez, Juan1; Berenguer Vidal, Rafael2; Sellés Navarro, Inmaculada3

1Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, España; 2Universidad Católica de Murcia, España; 3Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofía, Murcia.

Este artículo describe un método robusto y eficiente para la segmentación y medida del grosor de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina en tomografías de coherencia óptica, también llamadas OCTs. El método se basa en la segmentación eficaz de la capa de fibras mediante morfología matemática y su

posterior ajuste de forma precisa al contorno real de la misma mediante una implementación de contornos activos. Para poder comprobar la validez del método propuesto, se ha evaluado con una base de datos que contiene 290 OCTs pertenecientes a 145 pacientes y dichos resultados se han comparado con los obtenidos mediante ”el escáner” empleado en oftalmología para realizar dicho cálculo.

191-Segmentación y medida del grosor de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina en OCTs mediante morfología m.pdf
18:00 - 19:40Lu.2-2: Collaborative x-Wave Antenna Systems for Integrated Communication and Sensing Wireless Applications (sesión especial) II
Presidente de la sesión: Luis Jofre-Roca, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, España
Presidente de la sesión: Miguel Ferrando Bataller, Universitat Politècnica de València, España
Sala Virtual 2 

In-Cabin 120 GHz Radar System for Functional Human Breathing Monitoring in a 3D Scenario

López Montero, María José; Aguasca, Alberto; Romeu, Jordi; Jofre Roca, Luis


Driving is one of the activities that takes a significant part of a person's time, that is why monitoring functional signs is useful for the wellness of the occupants of the vehicle. One of the vital signs that provides more information about the state of the person, is the functional breathing. Compared to other vital signs indicators, breathing is more sensitive to cardiovascular events, emotional stress, physical exertion, or fatigue induced by long time driving, seen as variations in chest and abdomen elongation modes. Technology is a tool that can transcend, from measurement and detection to emotional changes through feedback of sounds, images, or videos to the driver. In this work, an imaging radar system is proposed to generate a topographic map with elongation modes of the driver's chest and abdomen, at 120 GHz. Numerical Simulations have been deployed in order to reconstruct the image of the sensor using spatial convolution. Furthermore, a metronome has been used to calibrate the radar for measure elongations with respect to time, and finally, the system has been tested experimentally in an adult person, to generate a preliminary topographic map of two occupants of a vehicle.

203-In-Cabin 120 GHz Radar System for Functional Human Breathing Monitoring-203.pdf

Assessment of channel-level security vulnerabilities for connected vehicular platoons

Valiente, Rocío; Montero, Luca; Ballesteros, Christian; Jofre, Luis

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, España

Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been heavily reliant on on-board sensors to perform automated control of the vehicle actuators. However, having the ability to obtain reliable data beyond the line of sight of these sensors - i.e. wirelessly - might change the game. As a result, the automotive industry envisions a future where ADAS and connectivity converge and collaborate. Platoons might be one of the beneficiaries of such collaboration. While this collaboration improves safety and driving efficiency, it also makes the vehicles vulnerable to cyberattacks. This paper analyses a Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) based platoon model approach, in which communication is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Considering DOS attacks as consecutive packet dropouts and comparing the behaviour of two CACC-based Platooning variants taking diverse driving scenarios into account. The presented approach shows that platooning can be susceptible to adversarial attacks, which may lead to a collision between vehicles, jeopardising road safety.

190-Assessment of channel-level security vulnerabilities-190.pdf

Beam-based Interference Assessment of Vehicular Communications at mmWave Bands

Bereziartu, Beñat1; Romero, Alejandro1; Ballesteros, Christian1; Montero, Luca1; Solano, Jose A.2; Molina, Jose M.2; Romeu, Jordi1; Jofre, Luis1

1Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, España; 2Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, España

The field of vehicular communications has under-gone a significant transformation and is interested in getting more vehicles connected to improve traffic efficiency and safety. The introduction of the millimeter-wave (mmWave) region in 5G New Radio (NR) to achieve higher data rates and the implementation of beamforming techniques to address the issue of higher propagation losses, potentially enables several Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) use cases for cooperative automated driving and enhanced information services. This paper proposes an approach of beam-based interference assessment for Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications at mmWave. The perceived interference level is evaluated for a given beamset covering the full azimuthal range. This information provides useful insights on the quality of communications and the potential re-use rate of scheduled resources.

189-Beam-based Interference Assessment of Vehicular Communications-189.pdf

Planar Lensed mmWave Photonic Array

Pubill Font, Maria; Ballesteros Sánchez, Christian; Ismail, Ahmed S.; Jofre Roca, Lluis

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, España

The growing demand for higher capacities translates into the need for exploring different frequency bands to achieve large-bandwidth antenna transceivers. Millimeter-wave frequency bands could be the most interesting candidate to satisfy the increasing requirements for modern communications. To achieve such good performance, the antennas are required to be multi-beam and highly directive. In addition, optical networks are a widespread solution in backbone networking, providing those large bandwidth requirements without major effect. This paper presents an array located into a focal line of a planar lens, covering the 3GPP band n258 (from 24.25 GHz to 27.5 GHz). The antenna elements are designed to maximize the power transfer from an optical source, with satisfactory results both numerical and measured.

227-Planar Lensed mmWave Photonic Array-227.pdf

Bidirectional optoantenna for Radio over Fiber architectures

Casas, Damià; Cela, José María; Ballesteros, Christian; Santos, María

Universitat Politècnica Catalunya, España

An integrated optical-electrical antenna for a compact

wireless network access node that may directly and seamlessly

connect to fiber in the native radiofrequency format is

proposed and characterised. Full-duplex operation is ensured

by frequency multiplexing downlink and uplink channels in the

standard LTE 22 bands centered respectively at fDL = 3:6GHz

and fUL = 3:4GHz. The antenna design includes a frequency

duplexing structure based on hairpin resonators which at the

relevant frequencies provides simulated levels for return loss

and isolation in between channels better than 20 dB and 30 dB


251-Bidirectional optoantenna for Radio over Fiber architectures-251.pdf
18:00 - 19:40Lu.2-3: Electromagnetismo
Presidente de la sesión: Miguel Beruete Díaz, Universidad Pública de Navarra, España
Presidente de la sesión: Raúl Rodríguez Berral, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Sala virtual 3 

Método Sistemático para la Obtención del Circuito Foster de Superficies Selectivas en Frecuencia

Rodríguez Berral, Raúl; Mesa Ledesma, Francisco; Medina Mena, Francisco

Universidad de Sevilla, España

The characteristic resonances of a patch-like frequency selective surface (FSS) are obtained in this paper by solving an appropriate eigenvalue problem. While the eigenvalues yield the resonance frequencies, the associated eigenfunctions constitute a suitable basis to expand the surface current solution for the periodic structure illuminated by a plane wave under oblique incidence conditions. The use of this basis leads to small size Method of Moment (MoM) matrices and thus to reduced numerical effort. Besides, the solution of such MoM problem directly gives place to a canonical Foster equivalent

circuit describing the reflection and transmission properties of the FSS. A systematic procedure to extract the values of the components of the Foster equivalent circuit is described in this contribution. The accuracy of this approach is established by proper comparison with the results obtained using and ad-hoc in-house MoM computer code.

218-Método Sistemático para la Obtención del Circuito Foster de Superficies Selectivas en Frecuencia-218.pdf

Caracterización electromagnética de simulantes de polvo lunar

Cidrás Estévez, Jose1; Stepanyan Stepanyan, Narek1; Ramos Somolinos, David1; Plaza Gallardo, Borja1; Díaz Mena, Víctor1; Cowley, Aidan2; poyatos Martínez, David1

1Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), España; 2EAC (European Astronaut Centre)

The development of devices for In-Situ Reosurce Utilization (ISRU) of the lunar surface powder (regolith) by means of microwaves needs regolith simulants with electromagnetic properties similar to the lunar regolith. Electromagnetic properties of EAC-1A and JSC-2A simulants had never been measured before. This document deals with the measurement of complex permittivity, complex permeability, and tangent loss of the aforementioned regolith simulants at ambient temperature from 400 MHz to 20 GHz. The obtained results will be applicable for comparing the measured values of EAC-1A and JSC-2A among them and with other previously measured simulants and real samples. The measurements were carried out applying two different non-resonant techniques. The DAK and EpsiMu kits were used to carry out the measurements according to the Open-Ended Coaxial Probe (OECP) and Transmission Line Methods.

147-Caracterización electromagnética de simulantes de polvo lunar-147.pdf

Análisis de los principales compuestos del cemento para enfriado radiativo

Lezaun Capdevila, Carlos1; Dolado, Jorge S.2,3; Pérez-Escudero, José M.1; Liberal, Iñigo1; Beruete, Miguel1,4

1Dpto. de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación, Universidad Pública de Navarra Campus Arrosadía, 31006, Pamplona, España; 2Centro de Física de Materiales (CFM), CSIC-UPV/EHU, 20018, San Sebastián, España; 3Donostia International Physics Center, Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 4, 20018 San Sebastian, España; 4Institute of Smart Cities, Universidad Pública de Navarra, 31006, Pamplona, España

En este trabajo, se realiza un estudio de la viabilidad de usar hormigón para aplicaciones de enfriado radiativo. Esto se realiza estudiando teóricamente algunos de los principales compuestos del cemento: C3S, CH y CSH. Se realizan simulaciones atomísticas para determinar la estructura de los materiales y sus respuestas dieléctricas. Sorprendentemente, los materiales exhiben teóricamente una capacidad de enfriamiento nocturna de 55.68W, 60.69W y 62.43W respectivamente. Este estudio preliminar muestra el potencial del hormigón como material barato, escalable y de amplio uso para enfriado radiativo nocturno. Se requiere una mayor investigación para conseguir gran reflectividad solar para poder usar estos materiales como enfriadores diurnos. Para calcular la emisividad de los compuestos, se ha usado un modelo analítico que tiene un error cercano a cero y calcula los datos con una rapidez mucho mayor que un simulador.

165-Análisis de los principales compuestos del cemento para enfriado radiativo-165.pdf

Estudio de modos con simetrias rotacionales de alto orden mediante una formulacion rigurosa de elementos finitos

Garcia Contreras, Gines; Córcoles, Juan; Ruiz Cruz, Jorge A.

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, España

Waveguides with rotationally higher-order symmetries, also called CN waveguides, are defined as periodic structures with cross sections having discrete rotational symmetry. Recently, a tailored method for modal analysis of said waveguides has been proposed. The formulation it presents, based on the Finite Element Method, allows for the characterization of homogeneous, perfectly enclosed CN waveguides with arbitrary (non analytic) cross sections, and has the advantages of automatically identifying degenerate modes, improving performance and categorising the complete set of modes into independent classes based on their physical properties. In this communication we discuss the method into further detail, analysing and quantifying its most important features.

238-Estudio de modos con simetrias rotacionales de alto orden mediante una formulacion rigurosa de elementos.pdf
18:00 - 19:40Lu.2-4: Comunicaciones para entornos contextuales y vehiculares (sesión especial)
Presidente de la sesión: Francisco Falcone Lanas, Universidad Pública de Navarra, España
Presidente de la sesión: Agusti Solanas, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, España
Sala virtual 4 

Opportunities and Challenges in Artificial Intelligence-Augmented Context-Aware Environments: the Case of Cognitive Cities

Machin, Juvenal; Falcone, Francisco; Solanas, Agusti

Universitat Rovira i Virgili, España


154-Opportunities and Challenges in Artificial Intelligence-Augmented Context-Aware Environments-154.pdf

Context-Awareness for Ageing: A Preliminary Review

Bernal, Mary; Martinez-Balleste, Antoni; Solanas, Agusti

Universitat Rovira i Virgili, España


226-Context-Awareness for Ageing-226.pdf

LoRaWAN-Based Communication Analysis for Vehicle-to-Grid Radio Links

Klaina, Hicham1; Picallo, Imanol2; Lopez-Iturri, Peio2; Astrain, José Javier2; Azpilicueta, Leyre3; Aghzout, Otman4; Vazquez Alejos, Ana1; Falcone, Francisco2

1Universidade de Vigo, España; 2Universidad Pública de Navarra, España; 3Tecnologico de Monterrey, México; 4Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Marruecos

Recientemente ha habido un creciente interés por la gestión de la red eléctrica debido a la preocupación por el calentamiento global. Con el avance en la industria de vehículos eléctricos (EV) y la evolución de las baterías, los EV se convierten en un contribuyente importante a la red con capacidad de intercambio bidereccional de energía. En este contexto, los sistemas Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) permiten múltiples funcionalidades entre los vehículos eléctricos y el agregador correspondiente. Por lo tanto, es importante contar con capacidades de comunicación confiables y de largo alcance entre el agregador y dichos vehículos eléctricos. En este trabajo se presenta el análisis del canal radio para la comunicación entre el agregador y el vehículo eléctrico, utilizando la tecnología Long-Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), con el fin de probar una solución de bajo coste con gran cobertura y perfil de consumo de energía reducido. Se han realizado medidas de canal inalámbrico en un escenario urbano real entre una estación de carga de EV localizada en Pamplona y un vehículo en movimiento utilizando dispositivos LoRaWAN a 868 MHz. La caracterización del canal inalámbrico se ha llevado a cabo mediante la implementación de un modelo de escenario urbano completo en 3D, que incluye elementos como edificios, vehículos, usuarios e infraestructura urbana como postes de luz y bancos. Mediante el algoritmo de lanzado de rayos 3D (3D-RL) desarrollado íntegramente en la UPNA, se han obtenido estimaciones de la distribución de potencia RF, SNR y análisis temporal para el volumen completo del escenario. La comunicación V2G de extremo a extremo se ha validado mediante la implementación de un sistema de recopilación de datos dentro del vehículo: Controller Area Network-BUS (CAN BUS) conectado al transceptor LoRaWAN del vehículo y, posteriormente, a un servicio web en la nube. Los resultados muestran que el análisis determinista permite optimizar el diseño de las redes LoRaWAN en un entorno vehicular, considerando enlaces entre vehículos e infraestructura, lo que permite un intercambio de datos escalable y de bajo coste de extremo a extremo para el despliegue de servicios V2G auxiliares.

228-LoRaWAN-Based Communication Analysis for Vehicle-to-Grid Radio Links-228.pdf

Análisis de Radio Propagación en Entornos Contextuales Inalámbricos para la Implementación de Sistemas de Realidad Aumentada en Auditorios

Picallo Guembe, Imanol1; Vidal Balea, Aida2; Blanco Novoa, Oscar2; Lopez-Iturri, Peio1; Fraga Lamas, Paula2; Klaina, Hicham3; Fernandez Caramés, Tiago M.2; Azpilicueta Fernández de las Heras, Leire4; Falcone Lanas, Francisco1

1Department of Electric, Electronic and Communication Engineering, Public University of Navarre, 31006 Pamplona, Spain; 2Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Universidade da Coruña, 15071 A Coruña, Spain; 3Department of Signal theory and Communications, University of Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain; 4School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey 64849, Mexico

This contribution presents an analysis of radio propagation in wireless context-aware environments, such as auditoriums, for the implementation of an Augmented Reality (AR) system dedicated to help and improve the user experience of people with disabilities in auditoriums. To evaluate the proposed system, an evaluation of the wireless channel has been carried out in Baluarte Palace of Congresses and Auditorium of Navarre. In order to show the behavior of the radio channel, simulations have been carried out using a deterministic 3D Ray Launching algorithm developed, as well as RF signal propagation measurements, with the aim of analyzing the impact of the scenario morphology and the presence of human bodies. The results obtained provide useful guidelines for deploying novel AR systems in scenarios as complex in terms of wireless propagation as large auditoriums. As an example, an AR application has been developed for Microsoft HoloLens capable of helping people with hearing disabilities during shows at the Baluarte Auditorium.

200-Análisis de Radio Propagación en Entornos Contextuales Inalámbricos para la Implementación de Sistemas de .pdf

Modelado y análisis de técnicas de acceso basadas en geolocalización para V2V

Alarcón Martín, Daniel; Gómez Paredes, Gerardo; Martín Vega, Francisco Javier

Universidad de Málaga, España

En este trabajo se pretende simular y analizar dos técnicas de acceso basadas en la geolocalización para la comunicación entre vehículos. Los vehículos se generan mediante Procesos Punto de Poisson y se estudia la Relación Señal a Ruido más Interferente para dos tipos de mensajes a transmitir y sobre un escenario urbano. A partir de dicha relación, se puede obtener la probabilidad de cobertura, el régimen binario y la eficiencia energética de ambas técnicas de acceso. Los resultados reflejan la importancia de la asignación de recursos para un escenario urbano, así como su tamaño.

127-Modelado y análisis de técnicas de acceso basadas en geolocalización para V2V-127.pdf