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Resumen de las sesiones
Lugar: Sala virtual 3
Fecha: Lunes, 20/09/2021
15:00 - 16:40Lu.1-3: Técnicas Innovadoras de medida de antenas (sesión especial)
Presidente de la sesión: Manuel Sierra Castañer, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España
Presidente de la sesión: Manuel García Sánchez, Universidade de Vigo, España
Sala virtual 3 

Avances en sistemas portátiles para caracterización de antenas: sistemas manuales y embarcados en vehículos aéreos no tripulados

Álvarez Narciandi, Guillermo1; García Fernández, María1; Laviada Martínez, Jaime1; Álvarez López, Yuri1; Arboleya Arboleya, Ana2; Las Heras, Fernando1

1Universidad de Oviedo, España; 2Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

216-Avances en sistemas portátiles para caracterización de antenas-216.pdf

Implementación de técnicas de holografía coherente de microondas en radiotelescopios

Fontá Romero, Celia; Rodríguez Varela, Fernando; Galocha Iragüen, Belén; López Pérez, José Antonio

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España

This paper shows the steps in data reduction and analysis of radio holography measurements, which are typically applied to surface measurements of large reflector antennas, like radio telescopes. These antennas suffer from surface accuracy degradation due to gravity, wind and thermal loads. In contrast to mechanical methods, radio holography computes reflector surface errors from measurements of the complex radiation pattern (amplitude and phase). The results from holography techniques can be used to adjust the reflector surface and therefore improve its accuracy and hence its efficiency. In addition, they allow correction for large scale aberrations like astigmatism. Improving the surface accuracy is essential for a good high-frequency performance of the radio telescope, which is used to study celestial bodies from the analysis of the radio signals that they emit.

253-Implementación de técnicas de holografía coherente de microondas en radiotelescopios-253.pdf

Emulating anechoic and reverberant scenarios with Time-Gating Technique

Ramírez-Arroyo, Alejandro1; Alex-Amor, Antonio1,2; García-García, Carmelo1; Palomares-Caballero, Ángel1; Padilla, Pablo1; Valenzuela-Valdés, Juan1

1Departamento de Teoría de la Señal, Telemática y Comunicaciones, Universidad de Granada (UGR), España; 2Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), España

This paper introduces the time-gating technique as a powerful tool to emulate propagation scenarios. This method can modify a propagation environment in the time domain by including a factor attenuation, a delay, or a change in the phase into the signal. This modification opens up the possibility to emulate and artificially create new propagation scenarios, which will be fundamental for future mobile communications. The feasibility of this technique is demonstrated in this work through the emulation of anechoic and reverberant scenarios. To test the similarity between the original and emulated scenarios, metrics such as spectral efficiency or spatial correlation between receivers are compared. Good agreement between the original and emulated scenarios is found.

119-Emulating anechoic and reverberant scenarios with Time-Gating Technique-119.pdf

Medida singulares de antenas en equios y sistemas aeroespaciales

Rodríguez Amor, Jose Roberto1; Luque Cañete, Jose Antonio2; Plaza Gallardo, Borja1; Muñoz Rebate, Ignacio1; Poyatos Martínez, David1

1Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA); 2Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa (ISDEFE)

The requirements in the antenna measurement

demanded by the industry, especially in sectors such as aerospace

and defense and security, have increased. This forces the

laboratories that carry out these tests to evolve appropriately. In

this way, INTA’s Laboratory for Antennas and Radar Signature

Measurement has implemented new test and measurement capabilities

in its catalog. The laboratory has three different facilities,

each one dedicated to a specific type of test. The semi-open

chamber has the ability to measure and calibrate the antenna

factor in collaboration with the INTA Center for Metrology and

Calibration, while the open field has the ability to measure

antennas by ground reflection for VHF and UHF frequency

bands. The INTA Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) is a

complete turn-key test system for antenna and Radar Cross

Section (RCS) measurements. In this article, a review of the

laboratory’s capabilities in relation to antenna measurement

will be shown. In addition, some of the newest features will

be explained, such as the ability to measure antennas up to 8

meters using spherical near field measurement technique and

the development of a ground plane for measuring the RCS of

antennas on low observability platforms.

161-Medida singulares de antenas en equios y sistemas aeroespaciales-161.pdf

Intercomparación de medida de antenas con reducido número de participantes

Expósito Pérez, Isabel1; Martínez Portas, Cristian2; García Sánchez, Manuel1; Manuel Sierra Castañer, Manuel2; Cuiñas Gómez, Iñigo1

1Universidade de Vigo, España; 2Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España

Los ejercicios de intercomparación entre laboratorios de ensayo son necesarios para garantizar su competencia técnica y, por tanto, la calidad, de sus resultados. Cuando las medidas a realizar son muy específicas, es muy limitado el número de laboratorios que pueden participar en la intercomparación a corto plazo. En este documento se presentan los resultados de un ejercicio de medida de antenas con tres laboratorios participantes. Se profundiza en cómo hacer un correcto análisis de los datos dadas las limitaciones que supone tener un número bajo de participantes, y según los datos disponibles de cada uno

101-Intercomparación de medida de antenas con reducido número de participantes-101.pdf
18:00 - 19:40Lu.2-3: Electromagnetismo
Presidente de la sesión: Miguel Beruete Díaz, Universidad Pública de Navarra, España
Presidente de la sesión: Raúl Rodríguez Berral, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Sala virtual 3 

Método Sistemático para la Obtención del Circuito Foster de Superficies Selectivas en Frecuencia

Rodríguez Berral, Raúl; Mesa Ledesma, Francisco; Medina Mena, Francisco

Universidad de Sevilla, España

The characteristic resonances of a patch-like frequency selective surface (FSS) are obtained in this paper by solving an appropriate eigenvalue problem. While the eigenvalues yield the resonance frequencies, the associated eigenfunctions constitute a suitable basis to expand the surface current solution for the periodic structure illuminated by a plane wave under oblique incidence conditions. The use of this basis leads to small size Method of Moment (MoM) matrices and thus to reduced numerical effort. Besides, the solution of such MoM problem directly gives place to a canonical Foster equivalent

circuit describing the reflection and transmission properties of the FSS. A systematic procedure to extract the values of the components of the Foster equivalent circuit is described in this contribution. The accuracy of this approach is established by proper comparison with the results obtained using and ad-hoc in-house MoM computer code.

218-Método Sistemático para la Obtención del Circuito Foster de Superficies Selectivas en Frecuencia-218.pdf

Caracterización electromagnética de simulantes de polvo lunar

Cidrás Estévez, Jose1; Stepanyan Stepanyan, Narek1; Ramos Somolinos, David1; Plaza Gallardo, Borja1; Díaz Mena, Víctor1; Cowley, Aidan2; poyatos Martínez, David1

1Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), España; 2EAC (European Astronaut Centre)

The development of devices for In-Situ Reosurce Utilization (ISRU) of the lunar surface powder (regolith) by means of microwaves needs regolith simulants with electromagnetic properties similar to the lunar regolith. Electromagnetic properties of EAC-1A and JSC-2A simulants had never been measured before. This document deals with the measurement of complex permittivity, complex permeability, and tangent loss of the aforementioned regolith simulants at ambient temperature from 400 MHz to 20 GHz. The obtained results will be applicable for comparing the measured values of EAC-1A and JSC-2A among them and with other previously measured simulants and real samples. The measurements were carried out applying two different non-resonant techniques. The DAK and EpsiMu kits were used to carry out the measurements according to the Open-Ended Coaxial Probe (OECP) and Transmission Line Methods.

147-Caracterización electromagnética de simulantes de polvo lunar-147.pdf

Análisis de los principales compuestos del cemento para enfriado radiativo

Lezaun Capdevila, Carlos1; Dolado, Jorge S.2,3; Pérez-Escudero, José M.1; Liberal, Iñigo1; Beruete, Miguel1,4

1Dpto. de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación, Universidad Pública de Navarra Campus Arrosadía, 31006, Pamplona, España; 2Centro de Física de Materiales (CFM), CSIC-UPV/EHU, 20018, San Sebastián, España; 3Donostia International Physics Center, Paseo Manuel de Lardizabal 4, 20018 San Sebastian, España; 4Institute of Smart Cities, Universidad Pública de Navarra, 31006, Pamplona, España

En este trabajo, se realiza un estudio de la viabilidad de usar hormigón para aplicaciones de enfriado radiativo. Esto se realiza estudiando teóricamente algunos de los principales compuestos del cemento: C3S, CH y CSH. Se realizan simulaciones atomísticas para determinar la estructura de los materiales y sus respuestas dieléctricas. Sorprendentemente, los materiales exhiben teóricamente una capacidad de enfriamiento nocturna de 55.68W, 60.69W y 62.43W respectivamente. Este estudio preliminar muestra el potencial del hormigón como material barato, escalable y de amplio uso para enfriado radiativo nocturno. Se requiere una mayor investigación para conseguir gran reflectividad solar para poder usar estos materiales como enfriadores diurnos. Para calcular la emisividad de los compuestos, se ha usado un modelo analítico que tiene un error cercano a cero y calcula los datos con una rapidez mucho mayor que un simulador.

165-Análisis de los principales compuestos del cemento para enfriado radiativo-165.pdf

Estudio de modos con simetrias rotacionales de alto orden mediante una formulacion rigurosa de elementos finitos

Garcia Contreras, Gines; Córcoles, Juan; Ruiz Cruz, Jorge A.

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, España

Waveguides with rotationally higher-order symmetries, also called CN waveguides, are defined as periodic structures with cross sections having discrete rotational symmetry. Recently, a tailored method for modal analysis of said waveguides has been proposed. The formulation it presents, based on the Finite Element Method, allows for the characterization of homogeneous, perfectly enclosed CN waveguides with arbitrary (non analytic) cross sections, and has the advantages of automatically identifying degenerate modes, improving performance and categorising the complete set of modes into independent classes based on their physical properties. In this communication we discuss the method into further detail, analysing and quantifying its most important features.

238-Estudio de modos con simetrias rotacionales de alto orden mediante una formulacion rigurosa de elementos.pdf

Fecha: Martes, 21/09/2021
15:00 - 16:40Ma.1-3: Caracterización electromagnética de materiales
Presidente de la sesión: Enrique Márquez Segura, Universidad de Málaga, España
Presidente de la sesión: Lorenzo Rubio Arjona, Universitat Politècnica de València, España
Sala virtual 3 

Low-cost free-space material characterization at W-band

Buldain, Iban1,2; Teberio, Fernando1; Melero, Marta1,2; Gastón, Diego1; Teniente, Jorge2,3

1Anteral S.L, I+D building "Jerónimo de Ayanz''. Campus Arrosadia, Pamplona, Spain.; 2Electric, Electronic & Communic. Engineering Department. Public University of Navarre. Pamplona, Spain.; 3Institute of Smart Cities. Public University of Navarre. Pamplona, Spain.

This paper presents an affordable free space material characterization for W-band. The system has been developed by Anteral Company and consists on a pair of W band focusing lens horn antennas. This system focuses the electromagnetic radiation at 6 cm from the lens surface in an area of less than 7 mm diameter where the material must be positioned. A software tool has been developed to extract easily the relative permittivity and the delta tangent of the material. This paper presents the system, the W-band focusing lens horn antennas characterization and some obtained results.

164-Low-cost free-space material characterization at W-band-164.pdf

ºBrix parameter estimation based on THz spectroscopy for Quality Control of tomatoes

Marzo, Andoni1; Jiménez, Javier1; Ederra, Iñigo1,2; Iriarte, Juan Carlos1,2

1Antenna Group, Electrical Electronic and Communication Engineering Department. Public University of Navarra, Spain; 2Institute of Smart Cities. Public University of Navarra, Spain

The need for technological development in the agri-food industry to achieve more sustainable and productive agriculture has become more urgent. Nowadays the possibility to measure online parameters in production lines in agri-food industries would increase the quality of production, reduce costs, optimize the shelf life of products and reduce food waste and food loss. In the tomato industry, the online measurement of ⁰Brix parameter, could be a great advance in the production quality control optimization. This work aims to investigate the potential of Terahertz spectroscopy to determinate ⁰Brix parameter based on PLSR (Partial Least Square Regression) methods.

177-ºBrix parameter estimation based on THz spectroscopy-177.pdf

Optimización de la configuración de una sonda de canal en el dominio de la frecuencia en bandas de milimétricas

Català Lahoz, Cristina; Bernardo Clemente, Bernardo; Rodrigo Peñarrocha, Vicent Miquel; Rubio Arjona, Lorenzo; Reig Pascual, Juan-De-Ribera

Universitat Politècnica de València, España

In this contribution to the conference, we present different methods to improve the dynamic range of mobile radio channel measurements using a channel sounder in the frequency domain for millimeter wave (mmWave) propagation measurements. The advantages of using a radio over fiber (RoF) link are explained to avoid the losses introduced by a coaxial cable in measurements carried out in indoor and outdoor environments. Furthermore, measurements are carried out in a laboratory environment in order to obtain the optimal configuration parameters to carry out large measurement campaigns in the shortest possible time while maintaining the highest possible dynamic range and the correct calculation of the dispersion parameters. Finally, a simple protocol is disclosed to obtain the optimal parameters mentioned through three short steps.

171-Optimización de la configuración de una sonda de canal en el dominio de la frecuencia en bandas de m.pdf

Redes inalámbricas ad hoc aplicadas a la monitorización de salud estructural en edificios

Palacios Serrano, Iván; Placencia León, José; Muñoz Calle, Milton; Samaniego Galindo, Víctor; Gonzalez Martínez, Santiago; Guevara Baculima, Remigio

Dpto. de Eléctrica, Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones, Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

This paper presents an architecture based on wireless ad hoc networks for the structural health monitoring of buildings. The solution consists of a set of ten sensor nodes (accelerograph stations) as well as a main node or gateway. The communication among the devices were configured through a multi hop topology. Furthermore, the gateway node incorporates an automatic event detection system where the sensors nodes upload the information of the seismic events to the cloud (Google Drive). This proposal contributes in the design and implementation of resilient communications systems on real scenarios. Regarding the network performance, several experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the throughput, RTT and the time to transmit the data of events. Finally, results of a seismic events detected is presented which evidence the proper operation of the architecture proposed

222-Redes inalámbricas ad hoc aplicadas a la monitorización de salud estructural en edificios-222.pdf
18:00 - 19:40Ma.2-3: Compatibilidad Electromagnética (sesión especial)
Presidente de la sesión: Joaquín Bernal Méndez, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Presidente de la sesión: Joaquin Perez Soler, Universitat de Valencia, España
Sala virtual 3 

Use of Ferrite Sheets to Increase Attenuation of Compact EMI Filters

González Vizuete, Pablo; Ojeda Rodríguez, Álvaro; Bernal Méndez, Joaquín; Freire Rosales, Manuel José

Universidad de Sevilla, España

Magnetic coupling between components may greatly reduce performance of compact electromagnetic interference filters at frequencies above several hundreds of kilohertzs or a few megahertzs. This work analyzes the performance of shielding strategies based upon the use of copper bands (high-conductivity material) and/or flexible ferrite sheets (high-permeability material) to improve the attenuation provided by these filters.

We make use of a high-frequency circuit model of the filter and an advanced search algorithm to identify the condition of partial shielding as the main cause of the limited shielding performance of high-conductivity materials and to quantify the reductions in the mutual inductances between the components of the filter that can be obtained by using alternative arrangements of the shielding structures that include ferrite sheets. Measurements on several filter prototypes demonstrate that the shielding techniques proposed here can provide 20 to 30dBs increase in the attenuation provided at high frequencies by the electromagnetic interference filter for differential mode noise.

118-Use of Ferrite Sheets to Increase Attenuation of Compact EMI Filters-118.pdf

Time Domain Leveling for EMC Conducted Radiofrequency Immunity Tests

Solé Lloveras, Jordi; Aragón Homar, Marc; Azpúrua, Marco A.; Silva, Ferran

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Testing the immunity to conducted radiofrequency disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields, is fundamental within the electromagnetic compatibility assessment of devices having input and/or output cables. This procedure requires assuring the repeatability and accuracy of the test level applied, that is, the voltage and power of the signal injected into the equipment’s cables when these tests are performed. During a preliminary calibration, different instruments could be employed to measure and adjust the disturbance voltage to the corresponding test level, typically, power meters, test receivers or spectrum analyzers. In this paper it is proposed to use oscilloscopes as measuring device and the calibration method has been adapted accordingly. Results indicate oscilloscopes enable valid and time efficient measurements of the radiofrequency voltage signals involved in the tests according the EN 61000-4-6 standard method, with comparable accuracy at lower costs, while it provides further measurements analysis capability and increased robustness.

128-Time Domain Leveling for EMC Conducted Radiofrequency Immunity Tests-128.pdf

Caracterización de una shielding cabinet sin juntas para reducir EMI de campo cercano

Amaro, Andrea1; Suarez, Adrian1; Victoria, Jorge2; Martinez, Pedro A.1; Torres, Jose1; Alcarria, Antonio2; Perez, Joaquin1; Soret, Jesus1; Garcia-Olcina, Raimundo1; Martos, Julio1

1Dpto. de Ingeniería Electrónica. Universitat de València. 46100 Burjassot, España.; 2Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG, 74638 Waldenburg, Alemania.

La tendencia actual a desarrollar dispositivos electrónicos cada vez más pequeños, con mayores funcionalidades y mejor rendimiento provoca que las interferencias electromagnéticas (EMI) se conviertan en un gran problema. El apantallamiento contra las EMI es un aspecto importante que hay que tener en cuenta en el proceso de diseño de un dispositivo electrónico. Cuando el problema se detecta en etapas posteriores una de las técnicas más empleadas se basa en recurrir al uso de board-level shields (BLS). En este artículo se describe un método de medida empleado para la caracterización de una shielding cabinet sin juntas basado en la medida de las pérdidas por inserción (insertion loss). Además, se incluyen las simulaciones realizadas para comprobar cómo afecta el efecto de las aberturas en la efectividad del apantallamiento de la cabinet.

211-Caracterización de una shielding cabinet sin juntas para reducir EMI de campo cercano-211.pdf

Fecha: Miércoles, 22/09/2021
15:00 - 16:40Mi.1-3: Metasuperficies, metamateriales y estructuras periódicas (sesión especial) I
Presidente de la sesión: Eva Rajo Iglesias, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España
Presidente de la sesión: Rafael Rodríguez Boix, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Sala virtual 3 

Diseño de Superficies Selectivas en Frecuencia de Banda Ancha basadas en Elementos Hexagonales mediante el Método de los Momentos Espectral

Córcoles Ortega, Juan1; Rodríguez Boix, Rafael2

1Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; 2Universidad de Sevilla

A software has been implemented that applies the spectral-domain Method of Moments (spectral MoM) to the analysis of periodic multilayered structures with a number of metallized interfaces alternating patches and apertures. The Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transform (NUFFT) is used to obtain the Fourier transform of the basis functions in the case where the periodic grids are skewed, which makes it possible the analysis of non-rectangular periodic lattices with tightly packaged elements. The in-house software is used to design a fifth-order frequency selective surface (FSSs) made of hexagonal patches and apertures with 35% of bandwidth. Our design results are compared with CST results, and excellent agreement is found. The in-house software turns out to be around 13 times faster than CST, which makes it very convenient for full-wave electromagnetic optimization.

114-Diseño de Superficies Selectivas en Frecuencia de Banda Ancha basadas en Elementos Hexagonales mediante .pdf

Higher symmetries in circular waveguides with elliptical holey metallic plates

Castillo-Tapia, Pilar1; Mesa, Francisco2; Quevedo-Teruel, Oscar1

1KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Suecia; 2Universidad de Sevilla, España

Here we analyze a periodic circular waveguide loaded with transversal holey metallic plates. Specifically, we study the effects of higher symmetries when the holes have an elliptical shape. It is shown that the position of the center as well as the orientation of the elliptical holes strongly determine the bandwidth and characteristics of the passbands. In general, it is observed that holes in a higher-symmetric configuration produce a wider bandwidth with less dispersion. We also studied the case of two different interleaved periodicities with different symmetries: conventional, single-glide, and double-glide. Single and double glide symmetries present a similar behavior as their conventional counterpart, namely, there appear two near passbands. Additionally, two 4-fold twist-symmetric structures are studied. When the minor semi-axis of the elliptical holes is directed along the waveguide radial direction, the mode propagates in a narrow band and shows both forward and backward characteristics. On the other hand, when the major ellipse's semi-axis is located along the radial direction, a low-dispersive mode propagates in a wide frequency band.

167-Higher symmetries in circular waveguides with elliptical holey metallic plates-167.pdf

Calculation of Far-Field Scattering from Nonuniform Reflective Metasurfaces

Díaz-Rubio, Ana; Tretyakov, Sergei

Aalto University, Finlandia

To design and characterize radio environments with metasurfaces, it is necessary to know the scattering properties of finite-size anomalously reflecting (phase-gradient) metasurfaces. Recently, different approaches have been proposed to tackle the problem.

In this presentation, we will present a comparison between alternative analytical models.

We will first derive a general formulation for the far-field scattering of reflective metasurfaces based on the Huygens principle. Then we will specify the assumptions of known models. The first model that we will study is based on the assumption that at each point of the metasurface the reflected field equals the incident field multiplied by a controllable reflection coefficient. Then we will analyze the same structure with an analytical model based on the use of macroscopic reflection coefficients following the theory of diffraction gratings. Finally, we will numerically analyze the structure and compare the results.

124-Calculation of Far-Field Scattering from Nonuniform Reflective Metasurfaces-124.pdf

Non-homogeneous Fabry-Pérot Antenna Design for the K<sub>u</sub>-band

Mateos Ruiz, Pablo; Abdo Sánchez, Elena; Camacho Peñalosa, Carlos

Universidad de Málaga, España

A novel technique to design Fabry-Pérot antennas with non-homogeneous PRS is described. It takes advantage of a transmission line circuit model to efficiently obtain all necessary unit cell designs that satisfy the cavity resonance condition. This approach allows an increase in directivity for a given footprint without decreasing the bandwidth. Some design examples are presented, showing the evolution from a simple single-layer PRS to a non-homogeneous two-layers one. Through electromagnetic simulations, the latter one achieves an increase of about 3 dB in directivity while maintaining the bandwidth. This way, the gain-bandwidth product is improved from a value of 5 to almost 9, effectively raising the antenna efficiency.

197-Non-homogeneous Fabry-Pérot Antenna Design for the Ku-band-197.pdf

Applying the Gap Waveguide Concept to Coplanar Waveguides

Biurrun Quel, Carlos1,2; Teniente Vallinas, Jorge1,2; Del Río Bocio, Carlos1,2

1Grupo de Antenas. Universidad Pública de Navarra, España; 2Instituto de Smart Cities. Universidad Pública de Navarra, España

The concept of Gap Waveguides and suppression of modes propagating between a Perfect Electric and Perfect Magnetic Conducting is applied to Coplanar Waveguides to propose a new low-loss, low-dispersion transmission line. Three different versions of the line are proposed and compared among themselves and other typical CPW implementations. The main theory behind this concept and Finite Element simulations are provided to support and validate the idea. A prototype is currently being fabricated and experimental validation is expected in the forthcoming months

129-Applying the Gap Waveguide Concept to Coplanar Waveguides-129.pdf
18:00 - 19:40Mi.2-3: Metasuperficies, metamateriales y estructuras periódicas (sesión especial) II
Presidente de la sesión: Rafael Rodríguez Boix, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Presidente de la sesión: Eva Rajo Iglesias, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España
Sala virtual 3 

Estudio experimental de una metalente superoscilatoria de alta eficiencia en el rango de los terahercios

Legaria, Santiago1; Teniente, Jorge1; Kuznetsov, Sergei2; Pacheco-Peña, Víctor3; Beruete Díaz, Miguel1

1Universidad Pública de Navarra, España; 2Novosibirsk State University; 3Newcastle University

In this work we present the experimental characterization of a terahertz (THz) superoscilatory lens implemented on an ultra-thin metasurface (thickness <0.04λ0). This metalens improves the transmission efficiency and the focal properties of other super-oscillatory lenses found in the literature based on different design modalities (such as lenses based on opaque and transparent areas). At the frequency fexp = 295 GHz, the manufactured metalens improves by 25% the classical resolution limit imposed by the diffraction of electromagnetic waves, showing at the same time a gain of 18.2 dB and a very low side lobe level (13 dB). In addition, the metalens achieves a resolution better than the diffraction limit in a fractional bandwidth greater than 18% and high levels of transmission and focusing efficiency. The novel design procedure on which the proposed device is based opens new doors for obtaining devices with potential applications in THz imaging techniques, microscopy and communications, among others

233-Estudio experimental de una metalente superoscilatoria de alta eficiencia en el rango de los.pdf

Barrido del haz en antena de onda de fuga basada en metasuperficie mediante cristales líquidos

Abdo Sánchez, Elena1; Epstein, Ariel2; Eleftheriades, George V.3

1Universidad de Málaga, España; 2Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel; 3University of Toronto, Canada

In this communication, the reconfigurability mechanisms for beam steering at a fixed frequency in a leaky-wave antenna based on Huygens metasurfaces are reviewed. A preliminary design for a forward-to-backward scanning antenna at 24 GHz is proposed based on the use of a commercial liquid crystal (er ranging from 2.46 to 3.54). The simulation results show that the beam steers when the permittivity of the liquid crystal (partially filling the waveguide, with a 560 um high layer) is reconfigured. It is shown that the antenna can meet the challenges of this technology (a very thin layer of liquid crystal and a not very wide range of permittivity) while obtaining scanning from -15 to 15º maintaining the directivity around 17 dBi, including broadside.

225-Barrido del haz en antena de onda de fuga basada en metasuperficie mediante cristales líquidos-225.pdf

Estudio de la influencia del ángulo de incidencia en estructuras quirales basadas en circuito impreso

Fernandez Fernández, Oscar1; Ben Yamoun, Jihad2; Gómez Gómez, Álvaro1

1Universidad de Cantabria, España; 2Universidad Abdelmalek Essaadi, Marruecos

In this communication, the behavior of a chiral metasurface that takes advantage of oblique incidence to transform the polarization state of the incident wave is analyzed. In contrast with other publications, the novelty of this work lies on the distribution of the chiral particles. The proposed metasurface has been characterized using the finite difference time domain engine of the full wave 3D EM simulator, Keysight EMPro. With the aid of this numerical tool, different configurations have been studied: sawtooth profile and zigzag profile structures, with different mutual twist angle and angle of incidence. The combination of intrinsic and extrinsic chirality shows a great influence on the circular dichroism.

232-Estudio de la influencia del ángulo de incidencia en estructuras quirales basadas en circuito impreso-232.pdf

Diseño de una antena en tecnología SIW cubierta por una metasuperficie

Chocarro Álvarez, Javier; Ederra Urzainqui, Iñigo

Universidad Pública de Navarra, España

Abstract- In this paper, we have designed a Substrate Integrated Waveguide Slotted Antenna (SIW-SA) covered by a metasurface. Thanks to this planar technology, we reduce the manufacturing complexity and its volume. The design process of a SIW and an 8 slot antenna following a Chebyshev distribution to control the SLL is presented. We will compare the performance of this antenna with a conventional one and demonstrate the improvement in the radiation aperture. This comparison shows that gain enhancement is achieved when the metasurface is used, thanks to the increase of effective area. Besides, the bandwidth of this new configuration is not affected, being similar in both cases.

245-Diseño de una antena en tecnología SIW cubierta por una metasuperficie-245.pdf

Highly Efficient Bi-Layer Pancharatnam-Berry HWP Metalens for MMW Range

Moreno-Peñarrubia, Alexia1,2; Teniente, Jorge1,2; Kuznetsov, Sergei3,4; Orazbayev, Bakhtiyar5; Beruete, Miguel1,2

1Universidad Pública de Navarra, España; 2Institute of Smart Cities (ISC), UPNA, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain.; 3Analytical and Technological Research Center, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia; 4Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 5Dept. of Physics, School of Sciences and Humanities, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan

This work contains the numerical study of a highly efficient and ultrathin bi-layer PB HWP metasurface consisting of H-shaped, elements with a transmission efficiency of 90.15% and a thickness < λ/13. A numerical analysis along with the measurements confirmed the device’s ability to convert a CP wave’s handedness at 87 GHz. Furthermore, a metalens composed by identical H-shaped bi-layered PB HWP meta-atoms is numerically demonstrated showing an excellent behavior at 87 GHz.

234-Highly Efficient Bi-Layer Pancharatnam-Berry HWP Metalens-234.pdf

Fecha: Jueves, 23/09/2021
15:00 - 16:40Ju.1-3: Fenómenos exóticos en estructuras nanofotónicas (sesión especial) I
Presidente de la sesión: Iñigo Liberal Olleta, Universidad Pública de Navarra, España
Presidente de la sesión: Miguel Camacho Aguilar, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Sala virtual 3 

Exotic nanophotonics with subwavelength high-index disks

Díaz Escobar, Evelyn1; Pinilla Cienfuegos, Elena1; Barreda, Angela I.2; Mercadé, Laura1; Griol, Amadeu1; Martinez, Alejandro1

1Nanophotonics Technology Center, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, España; 2Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany.

High-index dielectric disks with subwavelength dimensions seem relatively simple electromagnetic structures. However, they can give rise to exotic phenomena in nanophotonics. Here we show recent findings that show that high-index disks can be used to manipulate light in subwavelength dimensions as a result of Mie and Fabry-Perot resonances. We also propose that such disks can be used for new applications in photonic integrated circuits (PICs) using silicon technology.

105-Exotic nanophotonics with subwavelength high-index disks-105.pdf

Transformación de estados cuánticos en dispositivos con pérdidas

Hernández Martínez, Osmery1; Liberal Olleta, Iñigo1,2

1Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), España; 2Instituto de Smart Cities, Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), España

The occurrence of many intriguing and useful non-classical phenomena lies in the interplay between interference and losses. Losses are usually understood as a detrimental effect, but they also constitute a degree of freedom for the engineering of quantum processes. Herein, we present a simplified procedure to compute the matrix describing quantum state transformations in N-ports lossy devices. This procedure could be applied to lossy devices with a scattering matrix that is unitarily diagonalizable. We employ the proposed method to analyze the performance that can be obtained when a Wilkinson power divider/combiner is excited with elementary quantum states of light. Our results suggest that Wilkinson power dividers/combiners could be of interest to optics and nanophotonics applications.

122-Transformación de estados cuánticos en dispositivos con pérdidas-122.pdf

Control de ondas electromagnéticas en tiempo real a través de metamateriales modulados en el tiempo

Pacheco-Peña, Victor1; Engheta, Nader2

1School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE17RU, United Kingdom; 2Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

We exploit metamaterials being controlled in four dimensions (space and time) to manipulate and structure the propagation of electromangetic waves in real time. To do this, we make use of temporal boundaries where the permittivity of the medium in which the wave travels is changed rapidly in time from an isotropic to an anisotropic tensor. The physics behind such temporal boundaries will be described in detail showing how the direction of the energy propagation of the electromangetic wave can be tailored at will (temporal aiming). Moreover, it will be discussed how the amplitude of the backward wave generated by such temporal boundary can be completely eliminated (temporal Brewster angle).

153-Control de ondas electromagnéticas en tiempo real a través de metamateriales modulados en el tiempo-153.pdf

Caracterización estadística del desvanecimiento inducido por dispersión en sistemas de comunicación óptica inalámbrica subacuática

Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Garrido-Balsells, José María; García-Zambrana, Antonio

Dpto. de Ingeniería de Comunicaciones, Universidad de Málaga, España

En este trabajo, se presenta por primera vez un efecto de fading inducido por la dispersión con el objetivo de analizar estadísticamente su impacto en la intensidad óptica recibida de un sistema de comunicación óptica inalámbrica submarina (underwater optical wireless communication, UOWC) con el fin de proporcionar un modelo de canal UOWC más preciso que los existentes en la literatura actual. El modelo de fading desarrollado será utilizado para evaluar las prestaciones en términos de tasa de error de bit (bit error rate, BER) asintótica para altos valores de relación señal a ruido de un sistema UOWC bajo diferentes condiciones de dispersión. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo confirman el impacto del fading inducido por dispersión a través del empeoramiento de las prestaciones de la BER, así como una significativa penalización de potencia óptica en comparación con los sistemas donde se ignora la dispersión como fuente generadora de fading. Todos los resultados presentados aquí son validados mediante simulaciones Monte Carlo.

130-Caracterización estadística del desvanecimiento inducido por dispersión en sistemas de comunicación ópt.pdf

Frequency chirp reduction in Mach-Zehnder modulators

Calero Mas, Héctor; Guerrero Casado, Quim; Santos Blanco, María Concepción

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, España

We present our study of the Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) and the transmission of pure tone radiofrequency signals through an optical fiber link. Our results show that the detected signal at the receiver vanishes at a specific frequency of the pure tone signal as a result of chromatic dispersion. The frequency notch in the link's transfer function experiences a shift as a consequence of the finite Extinction Ratio (ER) of the MZM. Here, we propose to compensate this effect using dual-drive modulators with a clever relationship between amplitudes of the signals in each electrode and analyze the range of values for which the approximation of small signal regime is valid.

247-Frequency chirp reduction in Mach-Zehnder modulators-247.pdf
18:00 - 19:40Ju.2-3: Fenómenos exóticos en estructuras nanofotónicas (sesión especial) II
Presidente de la sesión: Miguel Camacho Aguilar, Universidad de Sevilla, España
Presidente de la sesión: Iñigo Liberal Olleta, Universidad Pública de Navarra, España
Sala virtual 3 

Interacciones quirales entre luz y materia mediadas por antenas ópticas

Garcia-Etxarri, Aitzol

Donostia International Physics Center, España

Las ultimas décadas han sido testigo de espectaculares avances en la ingeniería sobre la interacción de la luz y la materia. El desarrollo de materiales nano estructurados ha permitido aumentar substancialmente la sensibilidad de diversos métodos de espectroscopia tales como la espectroscopia Raman o la espectroscopia infra-roja de absorción. Similarmente, en los últimos años se ha demostrado que ciertas nanopartículas dieléctricas y metálicas son también capaces de aumentar la interacción quiral de la luz y la materia. En particular, diversos trabajos han probado que estas nanopartículas (o antenas ópticas) permiten aumentar la sensibilidad de la espectroscopia de Dicroísmo Circular, así como la efectividad de métodos de separación de enantiómeros moleculares mediante fotólisis inducida por luz. Esta contribución repasa las capacidades de estas nano estructuras metálicas y dieléctricas para estas aplicaciones de identificación y resolución de moléculas quirales.

201-Interacciones quirales entre luz y materia mediadas por antenas ópticas-201.pdf

Metamateriales para computación analógica paralelizada

Camacho Aguilar, Miguel1,2; Edwards, Brian2; Engheta, Nader2

1Universidad de Sevilla, España; 2University of Pennsylvania, USA

In recent years, optical designs have appeared as an alternative to traditional electronic-based computers in the search for a smaller footprint and energy consumption. However, the linearity of the wave equation has not been fully exploited as it allows for inherent parallelization due to bandwidth limitations of the optimized structures. In this work, we show that a metamaterial structure formed by an inverse-designed region enclosed in a transmissive cavity within a feedback-loop allows for the simultaneous solution of an arbitrary number of independent mathematical problems in a fully analog setup using waves at different frequencies. We demonstrate this capability both numerically and experimentally for two sets of discretized integral equations using a two-level multifrequency feedback system with tailor-made unidirectional exciting and probing antennas.

156-Metamateriales para computación analógica paralelizada-156.pdf

Drift-biased Graphene Nanoplasmonics

Paul, Nayan Kumar; Wang, Luqi; Gomez-Diaz, Juan Sebastian

University of California Davis, United States of America

Drift-biased graphene has emerged as a promising platform for nonreciprocal plasmonics. Even though the properties of the supported surface plasmons have been theoretically explored by several groups, the far-reaching applications that drift-biased graphene may enable have not yet been fully explored. In this talk, we will first briefly review the response of drift-biased graphene metasurfaces considering nonlocal effects. Then, we will present and discuss a number of potential nanophotonic applications that are currently being explored in our group, including nano-optical tweezers, terahertz and infrared spasers, deeply subwavelength plasmonic imaging, and quasi-unidirectional hyperbolic plasmons. We will finalize by providing an outlook and critical assessment of this technology, in terms of advantages and limitations with respect to common graphene plasmonics as well as challenges that remain to be solved in realistic implementations.

141-Drift-biased Graphene Nanoplasmonics-141.pdf

Photonic Integrated 33 GHz Carrier Generator based on Asymmetric Mode-Locked Laser

Zarzuelo, Alberto1; César, Jessica2; Guzmán, Robinson Cruzoe2; Sánchez, Víctor1; Fernández, Jean-Raphael1; Inclán, José Manuel1; Martín, Fernando1; Carpintero, Guillermo2

1SENER Aeroespacial S.A.U; 2Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

In this work present a photonic integrated frequency signal generator based on an asymmetric mode-locked laser (MLL) structure with frequency repetition rate of 33 GHz. The device has been fabricated in monolithic Indium Phosphide (InP) platform. The structure is composed by two reflectors, two different size semiconductors optical amplifiers (SOA) sections and an asymmetrically located saturable absorber. The ML-PIC pulses are generated at the 33.86 GHz fundamental frequency exhibiting a 3dB-linewidth around 234 kHz with a drift less than 1 MHz measured over 20 minutes in passive operation regime and a phase-noise of around -55 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz

256-Photonic Integrated 33 GHz Carrier Generator based-256.pdf

Optimización de la emisividad teórica de un cuerpo para enfriamiento radiativo pasivo según condiciones de temperatura

Jorajuría, Tania1; Lezaun, Carlos2; Herrera, Pilar1; Beruete, Miguel2

1Asociación de la Industria Navarra, España; 2Universidad Pública de Navarra, España

Passive radiative cooling refers to the ability to cool an object without any external energy input, exploiting the black body radiation phenomenon experienced by any material body at a given temperature. In order to maximize this cooling capacity, the body's emissivity function must be tuned to fulfill several specific properties. Some of them are already known in the literature, but no study has been carried out so far to find the optimum emissivity as a function of both the object temperature and the room temperature. In this paper it is analysed how these two variables affect the optimal emissivity function of an arbitray body so that its cooling power is maximized.

116-Optimización de la emisividad teórica de un cuerpo para enfriamiento radiativo pasivo según condiciones de.pdf

Fecha: Viernes, 24/09/2021
15:00 - 16:40Vi.1-3: Procesado de señal: voz, imagen, datos
Presidente de la sesión: Máximo Cobos Serrano, Universitat de València, España
Sala virtual 3 

Sound Event Localization and Detection Using Squeeze-Excitation Residual CNNs

Naranjo Alcázar, Javier1; Pérez Castaños, Sergi1; Zuccarello, Pedro1; Cobos Serrano, Máximo2; Ferri Rabasa, Francesc Josep2

1Visualfy; 2Universitat de València, España

Sound Event Localization and Detection (SELD) is a problem related to the field of machine listening whose objective is to recognize individual sound events, detect their temporal activity, and estimate their spatial location. Thanks to the emergence of more hard-labeled audio datasets, deep learning techniques have become state-of-the-art solutions. The most common ones are those that implement a convolutional recurrent network (CRNN) having previously transformed the audio signal into multichannel 2D representation. The squeeze-excitation technique can be considered as a convolution enhancement that aims to learn spatial and channel feature maps independently rather than together as standard convolutions do. This is usually achieved by combining some global clustering operators, linear operators and a final calibration between the block input and its learned relationships. This work aims to improve the accuracy results of the baseline CRNN presented in DCASE 2020 Task 3 by adding residual squeeze-excitation (SE) blocks in the convolutional part of the CRNN. The followed procedure involves a grid search of the ratio parameter (used in the linear relationships) of the residual SE block, whereas the hyperparameters of the network remain the same as in the baseline. Experiments show that by simply introducing the residual SE blocks, the results obtained are able to improve the baseline considerably.

113-Sound Event Localization and Detection Using Squeeze-Excitation Residual CNNs-113.pdf

Configuring an Intelligent Reflecting Surface for Wireless Communications: the hUMAns at RISk approach

Ruiz Sicilia, Juan Carlos; Giménez De La Cuesta, Javier; Anaya López, Gonzalo Javier; López Martínez, Francisco Javier

Universidad de Málaga, España

We present our solution for the IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2021 challenge. The goal is to maximize the weighted average achievable rate for a set of Nu = 50 users assisted by an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS). We combined a modified least-squares smoothing estimator, several variations over the strongest-tap maximization (STM) algorithm, and a final fine-tuning optimization that explored solutions in the vicinity of the STM solutions. Simulations show that our IRS configurations yield an estimated weighted achievable rate slightly over 117 Mbps.

146-Configuring an Intelligent Reflecting Surface for Wireless Communications-146.pdf

Análisis de supervivencia de trasplante renal en Andalucía

Talaminos-Barroso, Alejandro1,2; Reina-Tosina, Javier1,2; Roa-Romero, Laura1,2; Calvillo-Arbizu, Jorge1,3; Pérez-Valdivia, Miguel Ángel4; Medina-López, Rafael4

1Grupo de Ingeniería Biomédica, Universidad de Sevilla, 41004; 2Dpto. Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones, Universidad de Sevilla, 41004; 3Dpto. Ingeniería Telemática, Universidad de Sevilla, 41004; 4Unidad de Gestión Clínica de Urología y Nefrología. Hospital U. Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla 41013

In the context of statistics, survival analysis is commonly used for clinical research, although the biased and/or incomplete nature of the clinical data hampers its direct application. This work presents a survival analysis using standard methods (Kaplan-Meier estimator and Cox model), applied to kidney transplantations in the population of Andalusia, with data collected between 2006 and 2019 and following a methodology for the adequacy of the clinical data. The study allows the analysis of the influence of the donor age in the outcomes of renal transplant. As result, we conclude that the donor age is an important factor for the failure probability of the kidney graft, although differences of this influence can be reported when diverse populations are considered by age ranges.

151-Análisis de supervivencia de trasplante renal en Andalucía-151.pdf

Mondrian from inside. An immersive and interactive virtual reality experience in art

Ruiz Toscano, Juan Jesús; Fondón García, Irene; Sarmiento Vega, María Auxiliadora

Universidad de Sevilla, España

Virtual reality (VR) experiences are transforming the way cultural heritage institutions exhibit their works of art and the contextual information in which they were conceived. This paper presents a VR experience intended to bring closer to the public the figure of the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. The tool, completely immersive, make use of Oculus Rift S head mounted display (HMD) to introduce the user in the life and work of this artist. Playing around with “Composition A”, the subject could achieve a better comprehension of the wok itself. The tool, programmed with Unity, guides the subject who is constantly appealed by the numerous interactive elements present in the scene. This application could be extended to any artist or any artwork to shorten the gap between the public and art itself. Digital exhibitions, art museums, universities, are only some of the possible benefited of such immersive tools

257-Mondrian from inside An immersive and interactive virtual reality experience-257.pdf

Estudio de la correlación confluencia-contagios del Covid-19.


1Universidad de Málaga, España; 2Entidad bancaria Cajamar

In recent years, the main problem to be solved by the whole world has been the Covid-19 pandemic. Most countries have taken measures aimed at reducing mobility as the main tool in the fight against the spread of the virus. This article presents a case study of the impact of mobility in contagions for the municipality of Málaga, Spain. Aggregated point of sale purchase registers are used as mobility data within the area of study. The obtained results hint that commercial activity is not the main vector of contagion on the available data on Málaga, although the data volume is insufficient to draw a sharp conclusion.

208-Estudio de la correlación confluencia-contagios del Covid-19-208.pdf